来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK75451 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK75451
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摘 要:随着我国汽车行业的蓬勃发展,汽车修理行业也迎来了巨大的市场需求。因此,汽修行业急需各种效率高、针对性强的汽修设备和工具。在汽修行业,双柱托举接触车架式举升机是一个被广泛采纳的举升机。在最近几年所有新销售的举升机中,至少三分之二都是这种类型的。本双柱举升机采用单液压缸驱动,钢丝绳实现双柱同步举升。最大举升质量4000公斤,最大举升高度1700毫米,符合汽车举升机国家安全标准。通过正确的零件结构设计图纸及工艺要求,能够方便的投入到生产。结构紧凑、外形美观,是一种高效率的汽修设备。
关键词:双柱托举; 同步举升; 举升设备
Design of two-column lifter
Abstract:With the great development of the automobile industry, automobile repair needs a large business. The business needs many kinds of equipment and tools which is effective and suitable. In the automobile repair industry, 2 post type is one of the most acceptable and useable kind. By the statistics of the sales about the hoist in these years, we found that almost 2/3 of the hoist market has been occupied by 2 post hoist. This time one cylinder is the drive kind of the 2 post hoist designed by me. It can make the two lifting arm in the same step by the steel wire. The max weight of the hoist is 4000kg and the max height of the hoist is 1700mm. The machine is fully accord with the China Hoist Safety Standard. With the accurately drawings and mature technics, it is easy to manufacture this kind hoist . And the device has a beautiful figuration and compact construction.
Key words:2 post hoist ; Synchronous lifting; lifting equipment
2.3 课题分析
2.3.1 设计技术要求
2.3.2 设计特点
(1) 举升机两托臂上升和下降严格同步。
(2) 举升机举升升程内有效自锁,保证使用安全。
(3) 形成放大机构达到举升设计要求高度。
(4) 托臂转动灵活且方便定位。
(5) 结构紧凑,布局合理。
3.3.3 设计技术路线
(3)通过滑轮和链条的行程放大机构来实现举升机的行程放大。该机构结构紧凑、体积较小,已普遍在各种起重设备中得到应用。本举升机液压缸行程选择1300mm, 举升高度1700。
