摘 要:为解决装备鼓式制动器的汽车制动性能热衰退而引起的制动失效,本文设计了制动系抗热衰退自控冷却装置。本设计是通过感应器接收制动踏板动作信号,进而使自动控制空调系统工作,制冷气体流经制动器散热器,吸收制动器的热量,从而对制动器起到制冷作用。
The Design of Automobile Brake Cooling System
Abstract:To address equipment, drum brakes, brake thermal performance brake failure caused the recession, the paper design of the braking system controlled cooling heat recession.This design is received by the brake pedal movement sensor signal, thereby enabling automatic control air conditioning system work, placed in the brake cooling gas into the position of the radiator, the heat absorption of the brake, and thus play a brake cooling.
This article first recession mechanism of heat from the braking performance, analyzes the brake heat and cooling process, heat balance, heat fade braking performance result obtained factors, heat and cooling is calculated, the test has played a guiding role.The major influencing factors for experimental design, based on the test, focusing on circuit design and motor selection, air-cooled chip design and design automation.In order to improve driving safety, for the automatic control design.Refrigerant gases generated by the semiconductor chip cooling, the current provided by the battery, the electric motor acts as blast equipment.The project also carried out system design, including: the overall cooling control system design, hardware design and selection, circuit design.
Results show that: the cooling device can be effectively carried out in time for brake drums and quickly cooling to prevent high speed by braking or vehicle prior to braking performance thermal overload caused recession, and easy installation of the cooling device flexibility, high degree of automationand the cost is small.Promote the use of the cooling device, it will be some economic and social benefits.
Key words:Drum brake;Cooling system;Semiconductor; Single chip microcomputer; Stepping motor
(1) 系统总体方案的确定;
(2) 电路铺设;
(3) 电动机的选型;
(4) 自动控制设计
(5) 保养与维修检测

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1前言 2
2 课题背景 3
2.1 鼓式制动器介绍 3
2.2 鼓式制动器热衰退概述 5
2.3 制动器冷却系统的现状 7
3 鼓式制动器强制风冷却系统设计概述 9
3.1 论文的提出及意义 9
3.2 研究的内容及技术要求 9
3.3 系统具体技术路线及实现的功能 10
3.4 空气冷却的优缺点 10
4 冷却系统的设计原理及整体方案 11
4.1 制动性能热衰退机理分析 11
4.2 冷却系统散热定量分析 12
4.3 制冷材料性质分析 14
4.4 风冷翅片性质分析 16
4.5 系统的整体设计方案 18
5 冷却系统设计参数及图纸 20
5.1 电动机的选定 20
5.2 半导体制冷片的选定 21
5.3 温度传感器,放大器选定 21
5.4 单片机选定 23
5.5 电路图 24
6 结论与展望 27
6.1 论文成果 27
6.2 论文存在的不足 28
6.3 论文展望 28
6.4 论文总结 29
参考文献 29
致谢 30