摘 要
In order to solve the problems of town garbage transportation, two contamination in the transportation, thus improve the transportation efficiency, and reduce the worker labor intensity, this paper has designed the entire seal compression type garbage truck
This topic first introduce the 5 principles in the overall design of back ward loading compression garbage truck, and then gave detailed proof analysis to the 5 principles The author compares the new design with the traditional one In design and the calculation part, the structure parameter of the garbage truck, and the engine of the dumpcart are chosen according with the requirements According to the loading request, the design of the back ward loading compression type garbage truck are calculated, including the hopper volume and the dirt water tank volume computation The motor car chassis is mainly on the chassis selections and the reformation, and the axes load distribution In the same time, the entire vehicle performance parameter based on the standard has been selected, according to the maximum speed, the fuel economy parameter, the mobile parameter and passed the parameter and so on; and to confirm the parameters of axes distance, the distance of the front and back wheels, and the size of outside profile In order to guarantee the completed car performance, have done the stress and strength checking, the stress analysis and strength checking of liquid pressure system
Key words: Back loading;Compression;Garbage truck;Environmental protection ;Refuse transportation
(1)要加强环保意识, 要求运输车辆在装卸料的环境中尽可能的减少对环境的污染或尽可能的减少中转环节, 在方便装却的情况下, 保证输送管路的密封性;
(2)为节能的要求改进压缩填装机构的结构, 尽量减少每吨垃圾填装的能量需用;
(3)降低车辆的自重, 增加车辆的载重, 设计大容量的重载车辆;
(4)提高车辆结构性能, 适应高速长距离运输的要求。

目 录
第1章 绪论1
12 压缩式垃圾车的发展现状及发展前景1
121 压缩式垃圾车的发展现状1
122 压缩式垃圾车发展展望2
13 课题主要内容3
第2章 总体设计方案的确定5
21 垃圾车总体结构的确定5
211 传统垃圾车结构形式的分析5
212 本垃圾车结构特点5
22 合理选择卸料方式6
221 车厢后倾式卸料方式6
222 推板式卸料方式7
23 提高垃圾压缩比7
24 底盘的选型分析7
25 完善车辆密封8
26 本章小结8
第3章 垃圾车总体设计与计算9
31 车厢的设计9
311 车厢的结构形式9
312 车厢尺寸的确定9
32 卸料机构的设计9
321 卸料机构的结构形式10
322 卸料机构的布置10
323 推铲的驱动形式10
33 装载箱及压缩装置11
34 副车架的计算12
341 副车架尺寸的确定12
341 副车架受力分析12
35 车辆总体尺寸参数的确定15
36 本章小结15
第4章 液压系统设计16
41 滑板油缸受力分析16
42 举升油缸受力分析18
43 液压缸的结构设计19
431 液压缸内径D及活塞杆直接d的确定20
432 液压缸壁厚,外径及工作行程的计算22
433 液压缸缸底及缸盖的计算22
434 液压缸进出油口尺寸的确定22
435 液压缸受力分析与校核23
436 液压缸主要零件的材料与技术要求24
44 泵的计算与选择25
45 液压油箱容积的确定27
46 确定管道的直径27
47 油箱设计28
48 液压泵装置31
49 辅助元件的选用31
第5章 整车性能计算 33
51 汽车的动力性能分析33
511 基本参数的确定33
512 汽车的行驶方程式34
52 最高车速的确定37
53 燃油经济性计算38
54 汽车稳定性分析39
55 本章小结40