摘 要
Windscreen wiper is a small part of automotive but can not be ignored. It can polish the windscreen so that the driver's attention will be more clearly. Its function is to wash the glass to obtain a clear field of vision and ensure the traffic safety. Some countries have had the state of wiper technology projects included into the annual inspection of vehicles.
My design requirements are to design the size of the wiper parts in the car, solving the linked scan area, motor selection, circuit analysis, motion analysis using ADAMS software, trajectory and speed of access to and using Pro/E draw three-dimensional model.
Wiper assembly containing the motor, reducer, four connecting rod mechanism, a wiper arm, wiper blade mandrel assembly. This design is mainly for car wiper four linkage design, using ADAMS to the four bar linkage analysis optimization, so that the wiper without interference, thereby calculating a wiper arm wiper area; in using Pro/E software to draw three-dimensional model, the various parts of the assembly.
The use of three-dimensional modeling software, Pro/E, and dynamic simulation software, ADAMS, to establish a model of the wiper, simulate the full motion, analyze the movement curves of wiper, make a further design to the wiper , increase the scratch brush area further , and provide a theoretical reference for the actual production.
Key word: Wiper; Intermittent Control Circuit; Virtual Design; ADAMS; Pro/E

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 国内外轿车雨刮器发展状况 1
1.2 汽车雨刮器设计的目的和意义 2
1.3论文的基本内容与解决的主要问题 3
第2章 轿车风窗雨刮器 4
2.1 引言 4
2.2 汽车风窗雨刷器的概述 4
2.2.1 电动刮水器的组成及特点 4
2.2.2 总成的主要项目和满足项目要求 4
2.3刮水电机 5
2.4雨刮器 9
2.5雨刷相关参数的选择 11
2.6 本章小结 15
第3章 Pro/E模型建立和装配 16
3.1三维CAD建模技术在汽车行业的应用 16
3.2 Pro/E简介 17
3.3 Pro/E功能概述 18
3.4零件模型的建立 19
3.5 本章小结 24
第4章 ADAMS建模分析 25
4.1 ADAMS发展概述 25
4.2 ADAMS功能简介 26
4.3基于ADAMS仿真开发流程 29
4.4模型建立 30
4.5添加约束并添加驱动 30
4.6模型的仿真数据分析 30
4.7利用函数控制雨刮器进行间歇刮水 36
4.8 雨刮器刮扫面积的分析计算 36
4.9本章小结 38
结论 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41