摘 要
Automobile steering device is an important part of the car, also decided the automobile active safety critical assembly, its quality affects the handling stability of vehicle.With the development of automobile industry, automobile steering device has also been improved, although electronic steering device has been used, but the mechanical steering device is still widely used by the world of automobiles and auto parts manufacturers adopted.In the machinery type steering gear, gear rack type steering gear due to its own characteristics are widely used in all kinds of automobile.
This design mainly on Chery A3 steering drive mechanism design.The mechanism for structural design, the steering gear is optional side input, both ends of the output gear rack type steering gear.The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, compact; shell made of aluminum alloy or magnesium alloy die casting, the quality is relatively small; the transmission efficiency is high up to 90%; gear rack by the abrasion between the appearance of gap, but uses in the rack back, near the small gears of the pressing force can adjust the spring automatically eliminate the gap between the teeth, in the improve the system stiffness but also can prevent the work impact and noise; steering device has small occupation volume; no steering arm and straight rod, can increase the steering wheel angle; the manufacturing cost is low.
Keywords: steering;spring; horizontal bars;design;check

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题的目的 1
1.2转向器国内外研究现状 1
1.3转向器发展趋势 2
1.3.1汽车转向技术的发展趋势 2
1.3.2汽车转向装置的设计趋势 3
1.4转向器概述 4
1.4.1汽车转向基本要求及其关键技术 4
1.4.2两轮转向及其实现技术 4
1.4.3四轮转向及其实现技术 7
1.5设计的预期成果 9
第2章 设计方案的选择 10
2.1转向器类型的选择 10
2.2齿轮齿条式转向器布置和结构形式的选择 10
2.3本章小结 11
第3章 齿轮齿条式转向器的设计和计算 11
3.1转向系计算载荷的确定 11
3.1.1计算汽车的原地转向阻力矩 12
3.1.2转向器角传动比的计算 12
3.1.3作用在转向盘上的手力的计算 13
3.1.4梯形臂长度L2的计算 14
3.1.5轮胎直径RT的计算 14
3.1.6转向横拉杆直径d的计算 14
3.2齿轮齿条式转向器的设计 14
3.2.1齿轮齿条式转向器的设计要求 14
3.2.2齿轮齿条转向器的主要部件 15
3.3齿轮齿条式转向器的材料选择及强度校核 16
3.4齿轮齿条的基本参数 19
3.5本章小结 20
第4章 齿轮轴的结构设计 20
4.1齿轮齿条式转向器的受力分析与计算 20
4.2齿轮轴的设计计算 21
4.3齿轮轴的强度校核 23
4.4本章小结 25
第5章 转向器间隙调整弹簧的设计计算 26
5.1选择材料 26
5.2计算弹簧丝直径d 26
5.3计算弹簧圈数和弹簧的自由高度 26
5.4稳定性验算 27
5.5几何参数和结构尺寸的确定 27
5.6弹簧工作图 27
5.7本章小结 28
第6章 液压助力转向系统 29
6.1奇瑞A3配备的助力转向系统是液压助力齿轮齿条式的转向系统 29
6.2液压油缸参数的选择及计算 30
6.3本章小结 31
第7章 轴承、润滑方式和密封类型的选择 32
7.1轴承的选择 32
7.2润滑方式的确定 32
7.3密封结构的确定 33
7.4本章小结 33
结论 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36
附录 37