摘 要
关键词:鼓式制动器 制动系统设计计算 CATIA
This paper do overview of brake as a whole, Has summarized the domestic and foreign development present situation and the structure characteristics of the drum brake , drum brake, also called block brake, brake block is pressing on the brake wheel to achieve the braking. Drum brake is an early design of the brake system, drum design of 1902, and its use in the carriage, did not start until around 1920 wide application in the automotive industry. This paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of drum brakes, including the structure of drum brakes, classification of components, how it works, and gives the calculation of drum brakes. Make driving in the car to slow down or even stop, vehicles travelling downhill speed remained stable, as well as cars still have been suspended. And under the most suited to the design of vehicle structure, displacement of the light car in the shortest possible, the fastest time in the brake and speed to zero.
In this paper, the design of drum brake is for economic cars, According to economy cars vehicle parameters, calculate the parameters such as brake torque under various working conditions , parameter, Then design calculation of economy cars drum brakes, check maximum braking force of drum brake, check whether it can meet the requirements of braking, And improve the structure of main parts simply , Finally using CATIA software to complete parts and three-dimensional model of the brake assembly diagram.
Key words: Drum brake; braking system design calculation ; CATIA
第2章 鼓式制动器设计计算
(1) 整车最大总质量:满载1470kg 空载970 kg
(2) 轴距:2443mm
(3) 轮胎规格:155 R13
(4) 最高车速:170km/h
(5) 前轴载荷:满载733 kg 空载597 kg
(6) 后轴载荷:满载737 kg 空载373 kg
(7) 整车重心高:满载515 mm 空载510 mm

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国内研究现状 1
1.2.2 国外研究现状 2
1.3 鼓式制动器简介 3
1.3.1简介 3
1.3.2制动器构造与原理 5
1.4汽车液压制动系概述 7
1.5 主要研究内容 9
第2章 鼓式制动器设计计算 11
2.1. 汽车前后车轮制动力理想分配设计计算原理 11
2.2汽车最大减速度下制动力矩设计计算原理 14
2.3鼓式制动器参数设计 15
2.4应急和驻车制动器设计计算原理 18
2.4.1应急制动时制动力矩计算 18
2.4.2驻车制动时制动力矩计算 18
第3章 鼓式制动器设计计算校核 21
3.1 领从蹄自动定心浮销式制动器效能因数计算 21
3.2 双向自增力式自动定心浮钳式制动器效能因数计算 23
3.2.1领蹄 23
3.2.2次领蹄 23
3.2.3 单个制动器总的制动效能因数BF2 24
3.2.4驻车制动效能因数的计算 24
3.3 制动器摩擦片摩损特性计算 24
3.3.1比能量耗散率 的计算 24
3.3.2比摩擦力f2计算 25
3.4鼓式制动器制动力与后轴载荷比值的计算 25
3.4.1空载 25
3.4.2满载 26
第4章 鼓式制动器三维建模 27
4.1 软件介绍 27
4.2 鼓式制动器零部件三维建模 28
4.2.1 分泵 28
4.2.2 传力杆 30
4.2.3弹性片 32
4.2.4左制动底板 33
4.2.5 后制动分泵缸体 35
4.2.6调隙轮 37
4.3 装配 38
4.3.1制动底板装配 38
4.4 本章小结 41
第5章 总结与展望 42
5.1 总结 42
5.2 展望 42
参考文献 43
致谢 45