关键词: 变速器; 齿轮; 同步器; 设计; 结构
Automotive transmission is one of the most important component. Its task is to adjust the transformation engine performance, the power effectively and economically to drive wheels, thus to meet the use requirement. Transmission is an important part of a drive train task, one is to determine the main components of the vehicle performance. The design of the transmission level directly affects the vehicle power performance, fuel economy, reliability and portability, transmission shift control stability and efficiency, etc. With the development of auto industry, auto transmission design trend is to increase the transmission power and the ratio of the weight, and require transmission can have a smaller size and good performance. This design with the basis of the existing enterprise is producing car santana transmission, in a given engine output torque, speed and maximum speed, maximum gradability and other conditions, focuses on the structure of the structural parameters of the transmission gear, shaft size and so on to carry on the design calculation, At the same time design the transmission scheme and structure of transmission form,And the operating mechanism and the synchronizer structure design, To better improve the overall performance of the car.
Key words: Transmission; Gear; Synchronizer; Design; Structure

引言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 概述 2
1.1.1汽车变速器的设计要求 2
1.1.2 国内外汽车变速器的发展现状 3
1.2 设计的内容及方法 3
第二章 变速器传动机构与操纵机构 5
2.1 变速器传动机构布置方案 5
2.1.1变速器传动方案分析与选择 5
2.1.2 倒档布置方案 6
2.1.3 零部件结构方案分析 6
2.2 变速器操纵机构布置方案 8
2.2.1概述 8
2.2.2典型的操纵机构及其锁定装置 9
2.3 本章小结 11
第三章 变速器的设计与计算 12
3.1 变速器主要参数的选择 12
3.1.1档数 12
3.1.2 传动比范围 12
3.1.3变速器各档传动比的确定 13
3.1.4 中心距的选择 15
3.1.5 变速器的外形尺寸 15
3.1.6 齿轮参数的选择 16
3.2 变速器齿轮强度校核 18
3.2.1齿轮材料的选择原则 18
3.2.2 变速器齿轮弯曲强度校核 18
3.2.3 轮齿接触应力校核 19
3.3 轴的结构和尺寸设计 20
3.3.1 初选轴的直径 20
3.3.2 轴的刚度计算 21
3.3.3 轴的强度计算 28
3.4 本章小结 32
第四章 变速器同步器及结构元件设计 33
4.1 同步器设计 33
4.1.1 同步器的功用及分类 33
4.1.2 惯性式同步器 33
4.1.3 锁环式同步器主要尺寸的确定 35
4.1.4 主要参数的确定 35
4.2 变速器壳体 37
4.3 本章小结 38
结论 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41