关键词: 汽车; 双横臂独立悬架; 螺旋弹簧; 减振器
Design of double wish-bone suspension of car
Double wish-bone independent suspension is a common vehicle suspension, because the work is stable and reliable, is widely used in the car, especially the luxury car. Through the reasonable selection of the position of the contact point and the length of the control arm of the guide bar, the suspension can have reasonable movement characteristics. Especially, the use of the upper and lower cross arm structure can extend the service life of the tire, can improve the ride comfort and handling stability of the car. This object of design is unequal length double wish-bone suspension. In the design, first of all,according to the vehicle parameters, main parameters for calculation of suspension; and guiding mechanism were designed, analysis how to calculate get roll center and pitch center, design the reasonable layout of suspension, and Analysis on cross arm length ratio of vehicle impact, reference has been design data model on lower cross arm length; then according to various requirements and calculation data of the design of the spiral spring and checking of qualified; then in accordance with the standards and before the data choose shock absorber. Finally, draw graphics though software CAD .
Key words: Automotive; Double wish-bone independent suspension; Coil spring; Shock absorber

目 录
摘要 III
Abstract IV
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 设计的背景和目的 1
1.2 主要任务和要求 1
1.3 悬架的结构 1
1.4 双横臂式独立悬架 2
1.5 悬架的设计要求 3
第2章 悬架主要参数的确定 4
2.1 研究的轿车参数 4
2.2 悬架静挠度的计算 4
2.3 悬架动挠度的计算 5
2.4 悬架的弹性特性 5
2.5 小结 6
第3章 悬架导向机构的设计 7
3.1 设计的要求 7
3.2 导向机构的设计参数 7
3.2.1 侧倾中心 7
3.2.2 侧倾轴线 8
3.2.3 纵倾中心 8
3.3 导向机构的布置 8
3.3.1 纵向平面内上下横臂的布置方案 8
3.3.2 横向平面内的上下横臂的布置方案 9
3.3.3 水平面内上下横臂轴的布置方案 10
3.3.4 上下横臂长度的确定 11
第4章 螺旋弹簧的设计 13
4.1 螺旋弹簧材料的选择 13
4.2 螺旋弹簧几何参数的选择 13
4.2.1 弹簧所受压力 13
4.2.2 弹簧刚度的计算 13
4.2.3 计算弹簧钢丝的几何参数 14
4.3 弹簧的校核 15
4.3.1 弹簧的刚度校核计算 15
4.3.2 弹簧的剪切应力校核 15
4.4 计算结果及小结 16
第五章 减振器的选择 17
5.1 减震器的类型 17
5.2 双筒式液力减振器的结构及工作原理 17
5.3 相对阻尼系数的确定 19
5.4 阻尼系数的确定 19
5.5 最大卸荷力V_x的确定 20
5.6 减振器工作缸直径的确定 20
小结 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24