来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK713062 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK713062
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摘 要
Vehicle seat lightweighting and comfort in the research and analysis
With the increasing of the global car, the problem of the pollution of the environment and the world's energy shortage is more and more serious, the vehicle's comfort and lightweight more and more get people's attention. Vehicle seat is direct contact with human body parts, so the research and improvement of it would be very important. The lightweight and comfort of the seat of the theory and methods are widely. At the same time, the industry is becoming more and more focus on how to improve the comfort of car seat and lightweight as possible, in order to improve the passenger comfort and reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
This paper mainly introduces the development history and current situation of vehicle seat and introduces the structure of the vehicle seat and materials; On the basis of the traditional seat, we use proe software to design new aluminum vehicle seat and design the seat material and structure about lightweighting and comfort ,this makes the seat materials and structure of lightweight and comfort can be improved.
We use Ansys software to analysis frame of the static and modal characteristics, this confirmed the design of new aluminum seat of car in static strength and modal has reached the requirement of national standard, shows the success of the lightweight design.
Key words: Car; The seat; Static characteristic; Comfort; Lightweight

目 录
摘 要 VII
Abstract VIII
1 绪 论 1
1.1国内外研究现状 1
1.2发展趋势 1
1.3研究的主要内容 2
2 汽车轻量化技术概述 3
2.1汽车轻量化的概念 3
2.1.1汽车轻量化的方法 3
2.1.2 铝合金在汽车轻量化中的应用 3
2.2汽车座椅轻量化的设计方法 4
2.2.1轧制型材钢管座椅骨架 5
2.2.2铝合金座椅骨架 5
3 汽车座椅舒适性概述 7
3.1座椅舒适性概念 7
3.1.1座椅舒适性的要求 7
3.1.2 人体压力在汽车座椅的分布 7
3.2 汽车座椅舒适性的分类 8
3.2.1汽车座椅的静态舒适性 8
3.2.2汽车座椅的动态舒适性 8
3.2.3汽车座椅的操作舒适性 8
3.3汽车座椅舒适性的意义 8
3.4 本章小结 9
4 新型铝合金座椅骨架设计 10
4.1原钢制座椅分析 10
4.1.1 外观及成形工艺分析 10
4.1.2靠背圆钢管强度校核分析 11
4.2 铝合金座椅骨架设计方案 12
4.2.1靠背的结构设计 12
4.2.2边板的结构设计 14
4.2.3椅架的结构设计 16
4.3座椅总成的虚拟装配 17
5 汽车座椅骨架有限元分析 21
5.1 有限元基本方法的介绍 21
5.2 汽车座椅静强度要求 21
5.3 座椅骨架的有限元分析 22
5.3.1座椅静强度分析 22
5.3.2模态分析 28
5.3.3结果分析 31
全文总结 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35