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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK78146 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78146
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摘  要: 标题以高度简洁的语言提炼出新闻的基本内容,它是新闻的重要组成部分, 也是吸引读者的关键。英语新闻标题是一种融合了及时性、真实性和客观性的独特文体。作为“文眼”,英语新闻标题简练、生动、不拘一格, 其在英语新闻报道中发挥着重要的作用。标题的内容是独一无二的,表达形式也很多样化。此外, 标题往往反映出特定的美感功能和信息功能。好的新闻标题犹如画龙点睛, 让新闻更具吸引力。

关键词:英语新闻标题; 关联理论; 认知语境

A Study on English News Headline from the Perspective of Relevance Theory
Abstract:Headline refined the basic content of news in highly concise text, it is an important part of news and is the key to attract the attention of the readers. English news headline is a particular style mingled timeliness, authenticity and objectivity. As “article eye”, English news title is concise, vivid and eclectic. It plays an important role in English news report. The content of the title is unique and its expression forms are diversified. What’s more, the headline reflects specific beauty functions and information functions. Good news headlines just like the most excellent points when painting the dragon. It makes the news more attractive.
In this paper, the author tries to discuss the features of English news headlines with Relevance Theory. Since the Relevance Theory came out ,it had great influence on linguistic research. In part one, the writer will give a brief review of pervious research and findings for English news headlines; In part two, the author puts emphasis on presenting the main principles of Relevance Theory. In part three, the author make an analysis of English news headlines from the perspective of Relevance Theory. It is helpful for readers to understand English news headlines.

Key  words:  English news headline;  Relevance Theory;  Cognitive context

 This paper is an attempt to suggest how English news headline works under the Relevance Theory. The importance of the role of headlines in the communicative act performed by newspapers can hardly be exaggerated, yet the nature of this role has virtually never been explicated in the literature. The analysis explains why the construction of a successful headline requires an understanding of the readers--their state of knowledge, their beliefs and expectations and cognitive styles –no less than it requires an understanding of the story. It also explains the fact that skilled newspaper readers spend most of their reading time scanning the headlines—rather than reading the stories. Since the Relevance Theory was invented, it has got great attention in the field of pragmatics. After twenty years’ of development, the Relevance Theory has been widely used in many fields. The study of the application of Relevance Theory is very valuable. In the field of news, many scholars have tried to explain the writing of news from the angle of Relevance Theory. This is very useful to the writing of news. With these analyses, the writers of news can compose news in a better way. At the same time, there are also some shortcomings, for example, and the analysis is not so comprehensive; especially the analysis of the news headlines is rare. So through the analysis of English news headline, the writer tries to make clear the applications of Relevance Theory in news headlines. The writer hopes this thesis will be valuable to the understanding of news.
