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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712346 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712346
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An Investigation into the English Ability of Cross-Border E-Commerce Practitioners in Dongguan

In recent years, the domestic e-commerce market is becoming more and more intense.It is understood that the existing cross-border electricity suppliers in Dongguan has reached 27000, 3500 manufacturing companies to participate in different forms of cross-border electricity suppliers, including more than 7000 factories directly engaged in cross-border business transactions.Under the trend of globalization of trade, electronic commerce is changing from domestic to foreign countries.The rapid development of foreign trade not only requires a large number of professional personnel, but also for cross-border electricity suppliers to propose new requirements, the ability to have a strong foreign language communication, and to grasp the general business knowledge of foreign trade business English talent demand is extremely urgent.
The topics for the Dongguan cross-border electricity suppliers in the field of English language proficiency survey, in line with the requirements of regional economic development, but also to promote the English major graduates to further understand the theory of classroom knowledge, improve their professional knowledge of the practical use of the ability.
Key words:Dongguan City   cross-border   electricity suppliers   in the business sector   survey report
