来源 资料编号:WK78769 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78769

TFT-LCD原理与通讯系统设计 1. LCD的原理与发展 LCD的工作原理是利用液态晶体的各种排列以及光的偏振性来达到呈现各种彩色图像的目的。 液晶是介于固体和液体之间的一种有机化合物。它像液体一样可以流动,但它在不同方向上的光学特性不同。数字显示,采用的主要是所谓场效应扭曲向列的液晶。利用液晶的电光效应制作成的显示器就是液晶显示器LCD Monitor),这种器件的工作电压为2-6V,微功耗,并能与CMOS电路匹配。 LCD显示器大体上可分为台式液晶显示器和笔记本电脑(NOTEBOOK)两大类。另外LCD的尺寸规格伸缩性很强,小到3英寸,大到30英寸的各种型号都有。去年十月在深圳举行的中国首届高新技术成果交易会上展出并引起重大反响的GW151液晶显示器是国内第一款15英寸台式高分辨率彩色液晶显示器。 液晶显示器的优点是全方位的,从工作原理上看,它采用数字技术,成像的方式是全数字式点阵成像,完全摆脱了以往CRT显示器中由模拟信号控制的电子扫描方式所造成的各种线性、枕性、桶形等几何失真。LCD中的图像信号处理所采用的量化、变换等数字化方法更能充分发挥电脑主机本体的潜力。 TFT LCD产品是技术密集型产品,它是真正的"超级直角平面"显示器,该产品完全无辐射,是一种真正的健康环保产品。与传统的CRT(阴极射线管)技术相比,该产品有下列显著的特点:重量轻、体积小、功耗低、无污染以及有效成像面积大,分辨率高、失真度小、数字化程度高等。同时,此类产品还具有良好的兼容性,与电脑主板上的显卡相连就可以直接取代显示器,很容易实现显示器的更新换代。在显示方式上,支持CGA、EGA、SEGA、VGA、和SVGA显示精度从320× 200发展到1280×1204以上,显示色彩从单色,四色以及真色彩等。 英文原文: TFT-LCD Theory and design for connection system 1. LCD Theory and development LCD uses liquid crystals is operating principles of configuration and the polarization of light color images to achieve a variety of objectives. Crystal is somewhere between a solid and liquid organic compounds off. It can flow like liquid, but it's in different directions in different optical characteristics. Figures used primarily to the so-called distortions in the transistor liquid crystal. The lightning flash effects produced using liquid crystal display is the liquid crystal display LCD Monitor), this device working voltage for 2-6V, micro-electronics, and matching with CMOS circuits. LCD monitors generally can be divided into desktop LCD monitors and notebook computers (notebook) two broad categories. Furthermore LCD size specifications flexibility very small to 3 inches, 30 inches to the large variety of models have. Held last October in Shenzhen, China's first high-tech fairs and cause significant repercussions on the domestic GW151 liquid crystal display is one of 15-inch high-resolution color liquid crystal display desktop. The advantage of liquid crystal display is comprehensive, from the principles of the work situation, it used digital technology, imaging is the way the entire digital imaging dot matrix completely shaken off the past CRT显示 device controlled by an analogue signal caused by the electronic scanning method of linear, pillow nature, Tong Xing, geometric distortions. LCD image signal processing used in the quantitative, such as digital transformation means more fully exploit the potential of the computer mainframe identity. |