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单片机(List slice the machine)

来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK78736 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78736
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(1)第一阶段(1976-1978):单片机的控索阶段。以Intel公司的MCS – 48为代表。MCS – 48的推出是在工控领域的控索,参与这一控索的公司还有Motorola 、Zilog等,都取得了满意的效果。这就是SCM的诞生年代,“单机片”一词即由此而来的。
(2)第二阶段(1978-1982)单片机的完善阶段。Intel公司在MCS – 48 基础上推出了完善的、典型的单片机系列MCS –51。它在以下几个方面奠定了典型的通用总线型单片机体系结构。
1 完善的外部总线。MCS-51设置了经典的8位单片机的总线结构,包括8位数据总线、16位地址总线、控制总线及具有很多机通信功能的串行通信接口。
2 CPU外围功能单元的集中管理模式。
3 体现工控特性的位地址空间及位操作方式。
4 指令系统趋于丰富和完善,并且增加了许多突出控制功能的指令。

he list slice machine is a microcomputer of an importance branch, application noodles very wide, development very quick .From list slice machine birth up to now, already development is about thousand model of up to 100 serieses.
List slice the development of the machine history
If release 8 list slice machine as point of departure, so list slice machine of development the history mostly can is divided into the following a few stage
(1)First stage: (1976-1978)The list slice machine control a Suo stage.
With the MCS – of Intel company 48 is representative. MCS – 48 of release is in the work to control control of realm Suo, the company which participate this to control Suo still have Motorola, Zilog etc. and all obtained the effect of satisfaction. This be the SCM birth age, "list machine slice" one phrase namely from here and since then.

