来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK78727 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78727
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摘 要:论述了一种小型嵌入式LED点阵显示系统的驱动电路和汉字编码方法;驱动电路采用行驱动芯片74LS273和9013,列驱动芯片74LS374,结合寻址电路,对每个LED点动态驱动;显示程序采用行扫描,列顺序输出码值的方法,结合四段式汉字编码方法,无间断和延迟的在LED阵上输出汉字。整个系统试验后运行稳定美观,功耗低,且有很大的扩展空间。
关键词:嵌入式系统; LED点阵;汉字显示系统; 8098单片机
Driving and Coding on Embedded LED Array Chinese – Character Displaying System
Abstract: The driving circuit and a method of Chinese character coding in an embedded LED array display system are discussed in this paper. 74LS273 and 9013 work as row driving chip, and 74LS374works as line driving chip; they work with the address - seeking circuit, dynamically drive each LED dot; in disp lay p rogram, the app roach of row - scanning, output code in line order, with 4 – segment coding, disp lay Chinese character in a LED arraywithout pause and delay. The system runs steadily and aesthetically with low cost. It has room for extending functions.
Key words: Embedded system; LED array; Chinese - Character Disp laying System; 8098 single - chip controller
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