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微处理器 microprocessors

来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK711968 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK711968
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微处理器 microprocessors(中文12000字,英文7000字)

During the early years of microprocessors, there were few engineers witheducation and experience in the applications of microprocessor technology.Now that microprocessors and microcontrollers have become pervasive in somany devices, the ability to use them has become almost a requirement formany technical people.
Today the microprocessor and the microcontroller have become two of themost powerful tools available to the scientist and engineer. Microcontrollershave been embedded in so many products that it is easy to overlook the factthat they greatly outnumber personal computers. Millions of PCs are shippedeach year, but billions of microcontrollers ship annually. While a great deal ofattention is given to personal computers, the vast majority of new designs arefor embedded applications. For every PC designer, there are thousands ofdesigners using microcontrollers in embedded applications. The number ofembedded designs is growing quickly. The purpose of this book is to give thereader the basic design and analysis skills to design reliable microcontroller ormicroprocessor based systems. The emphasis in this book is on the practicalaspects of interfacing the processor to memory and I/O devices, and the basicsof interfacing such a device to the outside world.
