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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK711947 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK711947
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Thermostatically controlled electric kettle
United States Patent 4544830
An electric kettle having an unrestricted spout opening is provided with an electric heating element controlled by a thermostatic simmer control or boil cutout, the thermostatic element of which is located exteriorly of the kettle body above the top thereof and adjacent to the spout opening. A steam diverter scoop extends into the spout opening to intercept the uppermost portion of the live steam flowing toward the spout opening and diverts it into heating relation with the thermostatic element to provide rapid heating thereof upon commencement of active boiling in the kettle. The thermostatic element is housed within the forepart of the kettle handle, which also serves to conceal the wires connecting the thermostatic element to the heating element and other electrical components located in the bottom of the kettle. The diverter includes a shield portion in radiation shielding relation to the thermostatic element to limit radiation of heat to the element from the kettle body. The provision of a thermostatic element which is normally shielded from the rise in temperature in the kettle interior while being exposed a portion of the stream of steam generated upon free boiling within the kettle permits use of a coarsely calibrated, not unduly sensitive, thermostatic element ensuring switching off or other control function of the kettle regardless of altitude.
