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摘 要:稻瘟病(Magnaporthe grisea)是中国水稻区分布面积广、常年发病中最严重的主要真菌病害,其致病机理非常复杂。目前关于稻瘟菌致病力减弱的突变体研究和基因的报道较少。作者通过筛选稻瘟菌P131小种ATMT转化体库中的转化子,获得了致病力明显减弱的突变体CD2967,与野生型菌株P131相比,该突变体对大麦、水稻致病力明显减弱。本研究既能为稻瘟菌分子机制研究提供必须的基础菌株,又有助于人们深入研究稻瘟菌致病机理。
Screening of the Reduced Virulence CD2967 of Magnaporthe Grisea
Abstract:Magnaporthe grisea is the main fungal disease which is the most serious disease in Chinese rice distribution area. It is very complicated for its pathogenesis. Nowadays, research on the interrupt genes of such reduced virulence mutants is seldom. According to screen the ATMT library of wild type P131, the author obtained 1 mutant CD2967 with the reduced virulence. Compared with the wild type strain P131, the mutant was the reduced virulence of Magnaporthe grisea to the barley and rice. The research would contribute to the foundation of rice blast bacteria pathogenesis and facilitate the study of rice blast fungus pathogenicity mechanism.
Key words:Magnaporthe grisea; Mutants; Activation; Spores; Vaccination

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 稻瘟菌的生物学特征 2
1.2 稻瘟菌ATMT转化子库的构建 3
1.3 本项研究的意义 4
2 实验材料与方法 5
2.1 实验材料与试剂 5
2.1.1 供试菌株 5
2.1.2 培养基的制备 5
2.1.3 实验材料与器材 5
2.2 实验方法 5
2.2.1 致病力明显减弱的突变体筛选 5
2.2.2 疑似突变体的再次验证 7
2.2.3 目标突变体的保存 7
3 结果与分析 8
3.1 致病力减弱突变体的初步筛选结果 8
3.2 验证疑似突变体的筛选结果 12
4 结论与讨论 12
4.1 提高菌种活化率 13
4.2 避免菌种之间的交叉污染 13
4.3 提高产孢量 13
4.4 大麦苗发病条件 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15