摘 要:本文针对广聚萤叶甲野外越冬存活率低、冬季室内饲养保种较困难的实际情况,通过快速冷驯化的方法使广聚萤叶甲在短时间内提高耐寒性,从而适应冬季较低的饲养温度条件,节约保种成本。实验结果表明同一低温的不同驯化时间显著影响成虫的存活率,雌雄成虫分别在4、6和8℃低温条件下,处理2d和4d的存活率差异不显著,处理8d的存活率则显著低于2d和4d;同一低温的不同驯化时间显著影响成虫的寿命,雌雄成虫分别在4、6和8℃低温条件下,处理2和4d的寿命明显降低,而处理8d的寿命则显著高于对照组;各低温驯化处理的广聚萤叶甲雌雄成虫的产卵量变化较显著,其中处理2d的成虫产卵量的降低最为显著。经过长期低温驯化处理,广聚萤叶甲F1代各存活率差异均十分显著,其中对卵和蛹这两个虫态的影响最明显。该实验解决了叶甲大规模繁殖的关键性技术难题。提高了种群在野外抵御冬季低温环境的能力,同时为深入开展叶甲耐寒性的研究打下科学基础。
Effect of long-term cold acclimation on the Ophraella communa
Abstract: This paper address the actual situation of the low survival rate in the wild ,more difficult to feed and protecte species in winter.Through the way of rapid cold acclimation to increase the cold hardiness in the short period of time,Thus,to adapt to keep temperatures lower in winter and paul kind of cost savings, The results show that the same low temperature acclimation time was significantly different impact adult survival, male and female adults, respectively 4,6 and 8 ℃ low temperature conditions, the survival rate for 2 days and 4d were no significant differences, dealing with 8d significantly lower survival rate in 2d and 4d; the same low-temperature acclimation time was significantly different impact of adult life, male and female adults, respectively 4,6 and 8 ℃ low temperature, for 2 and 4d of life is significantly reduced, while dealing with the life of 8d was significantly higher than the control Group; the cold acclimation Ophraella communa fecundity of adult males and females, more significant changes, which deal with 2d of the lower fecundity of adults is most significant. After a long cold acclimation, Ophraella communa F1 generation of the survival differences were very significant, in which eggs and pupae of the two instars of the most obvious. The experiment solve large-scale reproduction of a leaf key technical problems. increased the stocks’s ability to withstand low temperatures in winter, At the same time as the depth of leaf beetle to lay the scientific basis for cold hardiness.
Key words: Ambrosia artemisiifolia; Ophraella communa; cold hardlines;

目 录
摘 要 4
关键词 4
1 前言 5
2 材料与方法 8
2.1 供试虫源 8
2.2 长期冷驯化对广聚萤叶甲存活的影响 8
2.3 长期冷驯化对广聚萤叶甲成虫寿命、产卵量的影响 8
2.4 长期冷驯化对广聚萤叶甲F1代各虫态生长发育的影响 9
3 结果与分析 9
3.1 长期冷驯化后广聚萤叶甲的存活率 9
3.2 长期冷驯化对广聚萤叶甲寿命的影响 11
3.3 长期冷驯化对广聚萤叶甲产卵量的影响 13
3.4 长期冷驯化对广聚萤叶甲F1代存活率的影响 14
4 结论与讨论 16
参考文献 16
致 谢 19