摘 要:为保障沅江市果蔬产品质量安全,提高沅江市果蔬产品的市场竞争力,沅江市农业局定期对沅江市福润家超市、百惠超市、白泥湖蔬菜基地、挂角蔬菜专业合作社和四大农贸市场和湘北批发市场的叶菜类和瓜果类蔬菜进行随机抽样。根据酶抑制比色快速测定法,采用DY—1000多功能速测仪,检测果蔬产品中的有机磷和氨甲基酯类物质。此期间,共检测了果蔬样品942批次,合格912批次,合格率为96.82%。其中,叶菜类7月合格率最低,只有94.03%。除大白菜、苋菜、空心菜、莴笋外,其他未检出;瓜果类共抽样599批次,合格580批次,合格率为96.83%。瓜果类共21个品种,合格15个,品种合格率为71.43%;不同采样点来看,基地的合格率最高,为98.58%,其次是超市,合格率为97.22%,批发和农贸市场的平均合格率最低,只有96.51%。
Test and analysis of pesticide residues for Fruits and Vegetables in Yuan Jiang
Abstract:For ensuring the quality and safety of fruits and vegetables, and improving the market competitiveness, Yuanjiang agriculture bureau took random samples of leafvegetables and fruitvegetables from Furunjia supermarkets, Baihui supermarkets, Bainihu vegetable bases, GuaJiao vegetables professional cooperative, four farmers markets and XiangBei wholesale market. And detected organic phosphorus and ammonia methyl esters in the fruits and vegetables by using rapid determination of enzyme inhibition colorimetric method on DY-1000 multi-speed measuring instrument.This period, a total of 942 samples tested batches of fruits and vegetables, 912 batches of qualified, a pass rate of 96.82%. Among them, leaf vegetables the lowest pass rate in July, only 94.03% .In addition to Chinese cabbage, amaranth, , water spinach ,lettuce, other was not detected. A total sample of 599 batches of fruit category, 580 batches of qualified, a pass rate of 96.83%. A total of 21 varieties of melon kind, with a pass of 15 varieties pass rate of 71.43%; different sampling point of view, the base of the pass rate was the highest 98.58%, followed by supermarkets, with a pass rate of 97.22%, wholesale and farmers markets the lowest average passing rate of only 96.51%.
Key words:Yuan Jiang; fruits and vegetables; pesticide residues;overweight;inhibition rate

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 材料与方法 3
2.1. 材料 3
2.1.1 供试的蔬菜和瓜果 3
2.2.2 试剂 3
2.2.3 仪器 4
2.2 方法 4
2.2.1 采样地点 4
2.2.2 采样原则 4
2.2.3 前处理 4
2.2.4 检测方法 4
2.2.5 结果判定 5
3 结果与分析 5
3.1 叶菜类农药残留情况 5
3.1.1 不同月份农药残留情况 5
3.1.2 不同品种农药残留情况 6
3.2.2 不同品种农药残留情况 7
3.3 不同采样点的农药残留情况 8
4 结论与讨论 9
4.1 结论 9
4.1.1 叶菜类农药残留情况 9
4.1.2 瓜果类农药残留情况 9
4.1.3 不同的采样点的农药残留情况 10
4.2 讨论 10
4.2.1 存在问题 10
4.2.2 应对措施 11
参考文献 13
致谢 14
附录 15