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摘 要 :常德市有全国最大的鸡鸭交易市场,流通管理难,外疫极易传入,时时威胁着该市养殖业,防控工作面临新的挑战。作者于2010年6月至2010年10月间对禽流感采用HA、HI试验法进行血清学检测。检测结果表明,到目前为止没有发生禽流感疫情,但防控形势依然严峻。A型AIV可分为高致病性(HPAI)`低致病性(LPAI)和非致病性(NPAI)三大类。HPAI因其传播快,危害大,被世界动物卫生组织定为A类传染病。禽类感疫情的发生越来越频繁,发病的地区也越来越多,受疫情影响的范围越来越广。禽流感在造成巨大直接和间接经济损失的同时,也威胁着人类的生命安全。禽流感作为一种对人,家禽危害严重的人畜共患病,已成为重大的公共卫生问题。
关键字:禽流感; 检疫; 防控
Changde region monitoring analysis and control bird flu outbreaks
Abstract: Chang DE city has the country's largest chicken &duck trading market, circulation management difficult, easily into the epidemic, constant threat and breeding industry, and the city is facing new challenges. The author in June 2010 between October 2010 on bird flu adopts HA, HI test method for the serologic test. Test results indicate that so far hasn't happened, but avian flu epidemic prevention and control the situation is still severe. Type A highly pathogenic (AIV can be divided into ` HPAI) low pathogenic (certain) and the pathogenic (NPAI) three categories. HPAI because its spread quickly, the damage is the world organization for animal health as A class infectious diseases. The occurrence of birds are epidemic disease is more and more frequent, the region also more and more influence by the outbreak, more widely. Bird flu in direct and indirect cause huge economic losses, but also threatens the human life safety. As a kind of bird flu in poultry drug-infested, zoonoses, has become a major public health problem.
Key words: Avain in-fluenza,AI; quarantine;protection;

目 录
摘要 1
关键字 1
1.1 禽流感的危害 2
1.2 禽流感的产生 2
1.3 禽流感病毒的理化特性 3
1.4 禽流感病毒的变异 4
2 材料准备与操作方法 4
2.1 材料准备 4
2.2 操作方法 4
2.2.1 血凝试验和血凝抑制试验原理 4
2.2.2 试验准备 4
2.2.3 血凝试验(HA)试验步骤: 5
2.2.5 结果观察 5
3.2免疫抗体监测情况 6
3.2.1免疫效果分析 7
4.结论与讨论 7
4.1检验结论 7
4.2.禽流感的防治 7
4.2.1 禽流感的传播途径 7
4.2.2 对禽流感加强防范 8
4.2.3 阻止流感病毒的传入 8
4.2.4 加强疫苗注射 9
4.2.5 严格消毒制度 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11
附录 11