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摘 要:随着生活水平的提高,饲养宠物犬的兴起,而犬细小病毒病使犬业蒙受重大损失,所以本文就对犬细小病毒病的流行现状以及防疫措施做了调查研究,希望能对该病的预防起到推广作用。犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒(Canine parvovirus, CPV)引起的一种高度接触性传染病,发病犬临床表现为严重的出血性肠炎和心肌炎综合征。本病全年均有发生, 2月龄~6月龄幼犬易感性最强。病毒主要随污染的饲料、饮水经消化道进入机体引起发病。有些病犬康复后,仍可长期通过粪便排毒,成为本病的重要隐性传染源。一旦发生CPV感染,除早期应用抗血清及对症疗法有效外,现阶段无其他特效疗法,中晚期病例多预后不良。因此,必须依靠免疫预防控制该病的流行。本文通过典型调查的方法,从犬的体型、犬龄以及是否注射疫苗几个方面对犬细小病毒病的患病影响作了调查统计。从而分析得出本病的预防办法主要是定期进行免疫接种。
Canine parvovirus epidemic situation and prevention
Abstract: With the improvement of living standards, the rise of pet dogs, and canine parvovirus infection in substantial losses for the Kennel, so this article on the prevalence of canine parvovirus disease status and disease control measures do research in the hope of the disease play a role in promoting prevention. Canine parvovirus disease is caused by canine parvovirus (Canine parvovirus, CPV) causes a highly contagious disease, the incidence of severe clinical manifestations of canine hemorrhagic enteritis and myocarditis syndrome. The disease occurs throughout the year, 2 months to 6 months old puppies susceptibility of the strongest. Virus is mainly with the contaminated feed, water into the body through the digestive tract caused by disease. Some dogs, after rehabilitation, still long-term detoxification through the feces, become an important hidden source of infection disease. CPV infection of the event, in addition to the early application of effective anti-serum and symptomatic therapy, but at this stage no other effective therapy for treating poor prognosis in more advanced cases. Therefore, we must rely on the prevalence of the disease prevention and control of immunity. In this paper, the typical method of investigation, from the dog's size, age and whether vaccination of dogs with several aspects of canine parvovirus disease prevalence survey were affected. To analyze ways to prevent this disease come primarily regular immunization.
Key words: Canine parvovirus; Highly infectious diseases ; Immune Control; Epidemic situation

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 犬细小病毒的生物学特性 3
1.1.1 形态学特征 3
1.1.2 理化特性 3
1.1.3 病毒型流行情况 3
2 流行现状调查及病犬的治疗用药 3
2.1 不同体型的犬发病的流行情况 4
2.2 不同犬龄的患病流行情况 4
2.3 注射疫苗对患病率的影响 5
2.4 病例的临床症状及实例说明对相应症状的用药情况 5
2.4.1 临床症状的类型 5
2.5 一例肠炎型病犬的治疗情况 6
2.5.1 初步诊断及分析 6
2.5.2 肠炎型的症状及用药情况 6
3 结果分析 7
4 结论 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11