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摘 要:本试验通过研究杀虫剂高效氯氰菊酯对棉花伏蚜种群参数的影响,以进一步探索杀虫剂诱导伏蚜再猖獗的机制,为指导伏蚜的综合防治提供依据。采用杀虫剂对伏蚜及其天敌进行室内死亡率测定,并进行杀虫剂对伏蚜及其天敌的作用机制研究。在杀虫剂对伏蚜室内死亡率试验中,高效氯氰菊酯和蒸馏水两种处理中伏蚜24h后死亡率均不足3%,前者的死亡率只比蒸馏水对照处理稍高,说明高效氯氰菊酯处理对伏蚜杀伤有限;杀虫剂处理龟纹瓢虫、异色瓢虫和中华草蛉研究中,高效氯氰菊酯24h后死亡率依次是:异色瓢虫成虫(91.1%)>中华草蛉成虫(80.0%)>龟纹瓢虫幼虫(41.1%)>异色瓢虫幼虫(31.1%),高效氯氰菊酯对几种天敌都有较强的杀伤作用,这在一定程度上促进了伏蚜的再猖獗。而作用机制结果显示施用高效氯氰菊酯类药剂对于转基因品种棉田伏蚜的发生有很强的刺激,可促使伏蚜明显产生再猖獗。
Studies on The Mechanism of The Resurgence Caused by
Insecticides for Cotton Aphid, Aphis Gossypii
Abstract: In this experiment, by researching beta-cypermethrin insecticides on cotton aphid population parameters of aphis gossypii, in order to further explore the mechanisms of aphis gossypii insecticide-induced resurgence,guidancing provide the basis for integrated control of aphids. The mortality and functional mechanism of pesticides against Aphis gossypii and its natural enemy was tested experimentally. In the interior of insecticides on mortality trials, both cypermethrin and distilled water treatment aphid gossypii mortality after 24h were less than 3%, beta-cypermethrin treatment`s mortality rate only slightly higher than the control treatment of distilled water, indicating that beta-cypermethrin treatment Limited to the aphis anti-aphid; Insecticide-treated P. japonica, Harmonia axyridis and Chrysopa sinica study, the mortality rate of beta-cypermethrin 24h were: Harmonia axyridis adults (91.1%)> adult Chrysopa sinica (80.0%)> P. japonica larvae (41.1%)> Harmonia axyridis larvae (31.1%), the results showed that cypermethrin compared to several natural enemies have Strong killing effect, which to some extent, promoted the aphid gossypii resurgence. The mechanism of action showed that the application of cypermethrin insecticides, transgenic varieties of cotton for the occurrence of aphid gossypii has a strong stimulus, may promote aphid was generated in Rampant.
Key words: Insecticide;Aphis gossypii;Resurgence;Mechanism

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 材料与方法 3
2.1 材料 3
2.1.1 供试棉花品种 3
2.1.2 药剂 3
2.1.3 仪器 3
2.2 方法 3
2.2.1 杀虫剂对伏蚜的室内死亡率测定 3
2.2.2 杀虫剂对伏蚜天敌的室内死亡率测定 4
2.2.3 杀虫剂对伏蚜及其天敌的作用机制测定 4
2.2.4 数据统计分析公式 4
3 结果与分析 4
3.1 杀虫剂对伏蚜及其天敌的室内死亡率测定分析 4
3.1.1 杀虫剂对伏蚜室内死亡率测定分析 4
3.1.2 杀虫剂对伏蚜天敌的室内死亡率测定分析 5
3.2 杀虫剂对伏蚜及其天敌的作用机制分析 6
4 讨论 6
参考文献 9
致 谢 11