来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK711206 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK711206

几种农药对麦蚜的防效及对小麦产量的影响(毕业论文9540字) 摘 要:麦蚜是麦区常发性主要害虫,不但吸食小麦营养,而且传播病毒病,导致小麦减产和品质下降。试验选用辛硫磷(有机磷类)、高效氯氰菊酯(拟除虫菊酯类)、抗蚜威(氨基甲酸酯类)、阿维菌素(抗生素类)、吡虫啉(氯代烟酰类)5种农药作为试验药剂,清水为对照后调查喷药前后处理施药后1、3、5天麦蚜的数量,计算蚜虫虫口减退率,结果显示抗蚜威(氨基甲酸酯类)偏高剂量农药防效优于其他类型农药的防效。吡虫啉(原药)常规剂量用药后对小麦产量副作用最小。 关键词:农药;麦蚜;防效;千粒重 Several control effect of pesticides on wheat aphid and effects on wheat yield Abstract:The wheat aphid wheat area is often made of the main pests, not only taking nutrients of wheat, and dissemination of virus diseases, leading to decline in wheat production and quality. For wheat growth in the late vegetative and reproductive growth is an important stage, usually a variety of aphid (Sitobion avenae, Rhopalosiphum padi, wheat two and aphid) mixing occurs. We are guided by screening efficiency, low-residue pesticides, provide the basis for green agricultural production purposes, set up the test. This test used phoxim (organophosphate), cypermethrin (pyrethroid), pirimicarb (carbamate), abamectin (Antibiotic), imidacloprid (chloro Nicotinylsalicylic class) 5 types of pesticides as test agents, including water production, the most commonly used as a control agent. 30-59 randomly selected ear of wheat aphids before the investigation and handling of the base (Sitobion avenae, Rhopalosiphum padi); then investigate 1,3,5 days after spraying spraying treatment avenae and Rhopalosiphum Aphid counts and aphid decline rate (the control effect). Each plot of wheat mature ear threshing randomly selected after cryopreservation 20-30, determination of the different treatment of pesticide residues. And prove that pirimicarb (carbamate) High doses of pesticides than other types of control effect of pesticide control effect. Imidacloprid (TC) after conventional doses of medication side effects on wheat yield minimum. Keywords:aphids; control effect; grain weight![]() |