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摘 要:随着规模化畜禽养殖业的发展,污染问题已成其高速发展的制约因素,畜禽养殖污染防治受到广泛关注。由于其起步晚、基础薄弱,畜禽养殖污染技术未形成体系。本研究通过对湖南和海南两地典型污染防治工艺的现场调研和实测,在分析总结各主要处理工艺对污染物去除效果的基础上,提出适合不同地区的畜禽养殖污染防治模式。
Assessment of the Pollution Control Technology to the Livestock Cultivation
Abstract: Pollution problem had became the restraint as the development of the scale livestock cultivation, the pollution control had gained much attention. The technology of pollution control had not integrated system. because of being late starters and weak foundation. The typical pollution control technology of Hunan Province and Hainan Province were done site survey and test in the study, the removal efficiency of the technology to the pollutant was analysed and summarized, further more, the pollution control mode of the livestock cultivation in different areas were proposed.
Keywords: livestock cultivation; Pollution; control technology; assessment of the removal efficiency
目 录
摘 要 4
关键词 4
1前言 5
1.1研究背景 5
1.2国内外污染现状及危害 5
1.2.1国内外污染现状 5
1.2.2畜禽养殖废水主要危害 6
1.3畜禽养殖污染主要防治 7
1.3.1畜禽养殖污染源头控制 7
1.3.2过程控制 8
1.3.3畜禽养殖污染末端治理 9
2研究意义与目的 10
2.1研究意义 10
2.2研究目的 10
3调研条件及方法 11
4调研与评估 11
4.1源头控制研究与评估 11
4.2 过程和末端防治模式调研和数据评估 13
5结论与建议 17
参考文献 21
致 谢 22 |