来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK74777 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK74777
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摘 要
Outdoor-segment of air-conditioner upper-box is a typical stamp. It is the second category of appearance in enterprises, which requests higher smoothness on the outer surface, better forming, no fold, cracks and other defects, while lower on the inner surface of all the factors.
According to Upper-Box’s structure and size characteristics, based on a wide range of literatures, the paper analyzes and compares its forming processes in virtue of stamping technology, and finally establishes its process program: blanking piercing →drawing forming →first flanging →second flanging →three flanging →flapping.
Drawing forming process of the upper-box is simulated by numerical simulation software DYNAFORM. According to the analysis of the simulation results, one drawing forming method could be carried out. The paper designs blanking-piercing compound die and drawing forming die, calculates the key process parameters and corresponding working size, accomplishes assembly drawing of blanking-piercing compound die and drawing forming die, as well as part drawing of key accessories in the die.
Key words:Outdoor-segment of air-conditioner upper-box, stamping forming, drawing forming simulation, die design

目 录 16000字
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 选题意义 1
1.3 板料冲压发展现状 2
1.4 板料成形模拟技术发展现状 2
2 顶盖冲压工艺分析 5
2.1 零件分析 5
2.1.1 材料性能分析 5
2.1.2 零件结构分析 6
2.2 确定工艺方案 7
2.2.1 工艺方案比较 7
2.2.2 填写工艺卡 7
2.3 毛坯展开与排样 11
2.3.1 毛坯的展开 11
2.3.2 排样与搭边 12
3 DYNAFORM数值模拟 13
3.1 模拟准备 13
3.2 模拟过程 14
3.2 模拟结果分析 16
4 模具设计与工艺计算 17
4.1 落料冲孔复合工序 17
4.11 工艺计算 17
4.12 压力机的选择 19
4.13 模具零件设计 20
4.14 冲模闭合高度 22
4.15 模具工作原理 23
4.2 拉深成形工序 24
4.21 工艺计算 24
4.22 压力机的选择 26
4.23 模具零件设计 27
4.24 模具闭合高度 29
4.25 模具工作原理 30
5 结论 31
答谢辞 32
参考文献 33