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The plastic injection modle design of cover The major:Machine design & Manufacturing and Automation
Abstract: plastic industry is in the world grows now one of quickest industry classes, but casts the mold is development quick type, therefore, the research casts the mold to understand the plastic product the production process and improves the product quality to have the very big significance.
This design introduced the injection takes shape the basic principle, specially single is divided the profile to inject the mold the structure and the principle of work, to cast the product to propose the basic principle of design; Introduced in detail the cold flow channel injection evil spirit mold pours the system, the temperature control system and goes against the system the design process, and has given the explanation to the mold intensity request; Finally introduced now in the world the most popular three dimensional CAD/CAM system standard software PRO/ENGNEER's PROGRAM module, and led the wrap to the guide pillar to carry on the parametrization design.
Through this design, may to cast the mold to have a preliminary understanding, notes in the design certain detail question, understands the mold structure and the principle of work; Through to the PROGRAM study, may establish the simple components the components storehouse, thus effective enhancement working efficiency.
Key word: The plastic mold;the parametrization; inlays;divides the profile

目 录 9000字
第1章 对塑料成型模具设计的认识---------------3
1.1 模具工业现状------------------------4
1.2 发展模具的积极意义--------------------4
1.3 我国的模具将呈现十大发展趋势------------5
第2章 设计过程---------------------------7
2.1 塑料成型制品的分析---------------------------7
2.2 注射成型工艺的设计---------------------------8
2.3 注射机的技术规范-----------------------------12
第3章 模具的结构设计-------------------------------14
3.1 注射机的锁模力-------------------------------14
3.2 成型零件的设计-------------------------------16
第4章 模具结构零件设计-----------------------------17
4.1 导柱和导套---------------------------------- 17
4.2 推杆、复位杆及拉料杆-------------------------17
4.3 限位钉、垫块---------------------------------18
4.4 定位圈与浇口套-------------------------------18
4.5 模板-----------------------------------------18
4.6 挡块、限位块---------------------------------18
体会与感受--------------------- 19