摘 要
关键词:塑料模 注塑成型 工艺
This design according to be engaged in the plastics note the Plastics mold design synthesizes with the engineering technique of the manufacturing sex application the talented person's actual request in type, match the professional graduate student in design in university molding tool graduate design the demand the plait writes of, note to the beginner Plastics mold design have to consults certainly value.
This design is divided into six source for, distinguishing to designing topics and design the meaning, spare parts craft analysis, craft project to really settle totally, molding tool construction and model choice, craft calculation, molding tool construction design and school of the equipments and process craft etc. several aspects proceeded to expatiate.
This designed to get in design process the virtuous plum, yang zhan yao , yuan hong ling , yu zhi hong ...etc.a few leadings the teacher supports strongly with help, again this mean the sincere with gratitude!Because the editor level is limited, collect data the difficulty, settle many not exhausted the place of person's idea, plead the reader the not stingy advising, put forward to improve the opinion, in order to make this design further revised with perfect.
Key: Plastic mold Injection Molding Technology
图1-1 产品零件图-------------------------------------------------------------------------4
图3-1 分型面的选择----------------------------------------------------------------------8
图3-2 型腔的排列方式--------------------------------------------------------------------9
表4-1 型腔、型芯工作尺寸计算---------------------------------------------------------13
表6-1 型芯的加工工艺过程---------------------------------------------------------------18
表6-2 型腔加工工艺过程------------------------------------------------------------------19
