来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK74654 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK74654
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摘 要 从零件图上分析:该零件总体形状为一盒体高度方向仅与6mm。长度方向上有30mm。且在下端内壁里面有一个较小的外抽芯,抽芯空间较小,模具设计和制造难度均较大。由本塑件的形状不大且在塑件内部有向外凸起的回转结构在成型时不易脱模。传统上一般把内部的型腔做成两半的活动镶块用两个销钉一端过盈一端间隙配合将它们连接在一起脱模时连同活动型腔镶块一并顶出然后用手将它们分开,但此种设计不利于大批量,自动化生产的要求,因此在本副模具中对这种机构进行了改进,设计成了活动型腔的自动脱模机构。其结构设计方案如下:
关键词:活动型腔 套筒型芯 推拉杆 弹簧 外抽芯
The plastic covers takes shape the craft and the note molds the design
Abstract : Analyzes from the detail drawing: This components overall shape is box of bodies highly directions only with 6mm. In the length direction has 30mm. Also has small outside inside the lower extremity endophragm to pull out the core, pulls out the core space slightly, the mold design and the manufacture difficulty are big. By this models a shape not to be big also in models an interior has to the outside bulge rotation structure when taking shape not the easy drawing of patterns. In the tradition the cavity makes the interior two half activity to inlay generally the block as soon as to carry with two feather pieces the excessively full end play coordination them to connect when together drawing of patterns inlays the block together with the activity cavity one and goes against then separates with the hand them, but this kind of design does not favor the mass, the automated production request, therefore has made the improvement in this mold to this kind of organization, designed the activity cavity automatic drawing of patterns organization. Its structural design plan as follows:
Its principle of work: When drawing of patterns the push-pull rod pushes the activity cavity to prompt forward in under the spring tension function the activity cavity to two opens unceasingly along the sleeve core sidewall, when opens when the certain degree plastic automatically falls off under the action of gravity. After goes against completes the mold to close. The spring the activity cavity returns to on the release link and the push-pull rod under the pulling force function along the sleeve core sidewall the original position.
Key word:Activity cavity Sleeve core Push-pull rod Spring Outside pulls out the core
图1-1 产品零件图
图3-1 分型面
图3-2 型腔布置方式
图3-3 半圆形分流道
图4-1 活动型腔及套筒组合部件
表7-1 型芯套筒的加工工艺过程
表7-2 型芯固定板加工工艺过程
