来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK74642 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK74642
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摘 要:本设计题目为垫片冲裁模,体现了典型冲裁模的设计要求、内容及方向,有一定的设计意义。通过对该模具的设计,加强了设计者对冲裁模设计基础知识的理解和运用,为设计更复杂的冲裁模具做好了铺垫。
本设计采用了冲孔—落料级进模成形垫片。成形原理可划分为两个阶段:首先冲孔凸模与凹模共同作用先冲出四个 3.2mm和一个 8.5mm的孔,而后利用第一步冲出的四个 3.2mm和一个 8.5mm的孔做精确定位使外形凸模与凹模共同作用使工件落料成形。
关键词: 冲孔—落料级进模 冲孔凸模 凹模 压力机吨位
Gasket stamping process and the Progressive Die Design
Abstract: The topic for the design is pad blanking die design,It has manifested the typical blanking die s design request, the content and the direction, has certain design significance.Through the design of the component mold, strengthens the designer’s understand and utilize to the blanking die design basical knowledge,has prepareed for designing more complex blanking die.
The design has utilize blanking craft and the basical knowledge of the mold design, has first analyzed the property requirement of the plate , has prepared for selecting the mold type;then has calculated the blanking strength,has advantaged to select the press tonnage and determine press model; Finally has analyzed the characteristic of the products, has advantaged to finite the mold design variable,the design main point and shedder.
This design used piercing and blanking progressive die to form the products.The forming principle can be divided to two stages: First, piercing punch and die affect together and pierce four holes of 3.2mm and one hole of 8.5mm,then use the four holes and the one hole as pinpoint to make the product formed.
Key word: Piercing and blanking progressive die Piercing punch Press Tonnage
