摘 要
关键词: 分型面 一模两腔 潜伏式浇口
Canister and die design of coil frame
The topic of this design is a coil framework.The request of this plastics in the aspects of technique requesting is not high, so the accuracy of the molding tool design also does not request too high. Pass to the contrast of the different design project, end certain design project is: (1) The cent type chooses is the place of the 5 mm in the spare parts high degree; (2) the type of molding design is a mold two the system a distribution; (3) the molding adopted the inclined leading the pillar side take-out organization.
Because designing the ability limited, there are still many not enough places in the design process. But through accurate calculation, this set of molding tools can process a qualified the piece of system for needing. Plusing the accuracy of the piece of system request is not very high, so this molding tool can be using in the production.
Keyword : partsurface a mold two the system lurk moulding
本塑件的材料是低密度聚乙烯,属于热塑性塑料,从使用性能上看: 低密度聚乙烯由于含有较高的分子量、密度及结晶度,因此质地坚硬、耐寒性能良好,在-70℃ 时还保持柔软。化学稳定性很高,能耐酸碱及有机溶剂。吸水性极小,有很突出的电气性能和良好的耐辐射性,用火焰喷涂法或静电喷涂法涂于金属表面,可以达到减摩和防腐蚀的目的。缺点是力学强度不高,热变形温度很低,故不能承受较高的载荷。
