Should make the structure characteristic of the piece can know,(1) its inner part have a convex set of the inverted barbs type, so need inside take out the organization of core , inside take out the type that the core differ from the general side toward cent with take out the organization of core , because it can't have to take out to pull out to be apart from very greatly, also can hardly make use of to open the mold to match the mold motive;(2)Because make an outer circle contain a good luck with convex wreath, need to be second class to take off the mold organization again from here, taking off the mold organization simple or not have very big influence to structure complicated degree and manufacturing costs of the molding tool;(3)Because that material is a nylon 1010, it models the craft more complicated, model the craft characteristic according to this material, design the qualified molding tool structure and model the craft parameter to make selection is it is again an a little bit difficult;(4)In consideration of waste, cost, model the period, produce the efficiency and the empress prefaces to process the aspect, want to just use to sprinkle to note the system fitly, according to current the molding tool technique level, choose to use the efficiency high, waste low did not flow the way to sprinkle to note the system more convenient;, So design and each didn't flow a molding tool and is this molding tool design of a core.Summary
1.1. 塑件工艺性分析:

1.绪论......................................... 第1页;
2.模塑工艺规程的编制............................ 第3页;
3.注塑模的结构设计.............................. 第6页;
4.模具设计的有关计算............................ 第10页;
5. 模具加热与冷却系统的计算..................... 第12页;
6. 其它零件的设计及模具的闭合高度的确定......... 第13页;
7. 注塑机有关参数的校核......................... 第14页;
8. 试模可能产生的问题及改善措施..................第15页;
9.模具典型零件加工工艺过程卡片.................. 第18页;
11.致谢......................................... 第20页;
12.参考资料..................................... 第21页;