关键词:环形凹槽 侧向抽芯 直角式注塑模
(The mould of nut)
According to the structure characteristics of functio characteristics and nut mother of the nut mother's production batch quantity, ABS, design nut the mother notes the mold of plastik .The mother of the nut is an in general use spare parts, the accuracy have not high request, but because of the structure reason, need to model the cave slot of the side wreath form, and model the internal thread, making the molding tool structure opposite complications, increased the assemble the difficulty of the hour.In order to model the cave slot of the wreath form, the molding tool adopted inclined lead the pillar side to take out the organization of 芯 , draw out for a core of easy to thread, the molding tool is whole to note the mold of plastic for the right angle type, with this opposite at the request of just note the machine of plastic with the right angle type, from with piece of plastic to the accuracy not high, model the spare parts to process more easy
This molding tool adopts two antrums of one mold, total ascend that molding tool organization simple, make easily, produce the period short, economized the business enterprise cost, shorten to make the mold period.
Keyword:Cave slot side of the wreath form to take out the core right angle type to note the mold of plastic
Keyword:a cave slot of wreath . side to take out the core . the right angle type notes the mold of plastic.

1绪论…………………………………………………………… 4
2模具工艺规程的制定…………………………………………… 6
3 注塑模的结构设计 ……………………………………………...8
4 模具设计的有关计算 ………………………………………......13
5 模具加热与冷却系统的计算 …………………………………...15
7模具闭合高度的确定 ………………………………………..19
8注塑机有关参数的校核 ………………………………………20
9模具的装配与调试 …… ………………………………….....16
11塑模主要零件加工工艺规程的编制………………………........ 25
12结论………………………………………………………….. …….26
13致谢 ……………………………………………………………….27
14参考文献 ………………………………………………………….28
图1-1 螺母零件图
图1-2 分型面的选择
图1-3 型腔的排列方式
图1-4 导柱的形式
图1-5 导套的形式
图1-6 凸模结构
图1-7 凹模结构