摘 要
The topic is the chain plate punching blanking compound mold design and the mold of article described an instance is simple and practical, easy to use and is reliable. This mold is not primarily designed to complex design, but mainly on a systematic study of mold design knowledge and practice, in order to achieve the purpose of master the basic skills of stamping mold design.
First of all, do a thorough analysis for the parts, which include the using of the material, the requirement of accuracy and the requirement of working procedure and costs and so on. For declining low cost, proceeded the reasonable design to the row kind method. Secondly, do processing design for the whole parts and the purpose by craft designing and order of the working procedure and by the choice of punching machine. Thirdly, consider the calculation of size of the mould cutting edge in order to meet the need of accuracy. Because the cutting edge is the main working part of the punching processing, the accurate cutting edge guarantees the accurate parts. So you needed to tolerance do accurate calculation.
Finally, according to the calculated the size of mold cutting edge design the corresponding punch and mold, and find information on selection criteria for cold stamping parts, meet the standards, put the punch and mold with the other components to the overall assembly. In determining the specific mold closed height, select the appropriate press in the debug and test validation washed after processing, to meet compliance standards, the final completion of the processing chain plate.
Key words:composite modulus, stamping process, mold design , punching blanking
1 根据工件的形状分析,该工件为落料、冲孔、弯曲件,因此在加工时要考虑到冲孔和弯曲工序的干涉问题;
2 大批量生产,应重视模具材料的选择和模具结构的确定,保证模具的寿命;
3 制件体积不是很小,从安全考虑,要采取适当的取件方式,模具结构上设计好推件和取件方式。

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract I
第一章 绪论 3
1.1 冲压加工的特点 3
1.2冲压加工的作用和地位 3
1.3 研究设计的目的和任务 4
1.4 资料及工具准备 6
第二章 零件图的分析 8
2.1零件的功用与经济性分析 8
2.2零件钣金成形工艺性分析 8
2.2.1结构形状与尺寸分析: 8
2.2.2 精度与表面粗糙度 9
2.2.3 材料 9
第三章 工艺设计和计算 10
3.1成形工艺方案的确定 10
3.1.1成形工序性质与数量的确定 10
3.1.2冲压工艺方案的分析与确定 10
3.2 冲压工艺参数的计算 10
3.2.1工序尺寸的计算 10
3.2.2 排样设计 11
3.2.3 各工序冲压力的计算与冲压设备的选择 15
3.3 冲模刃口尺寸及公差的计算 17
3.4 弯曲回弹量的计算 20
第四章 落料冲孔模具设计 21
4.1 凹模设计 21
4.1.1 凹模外形的确定 21
4.1.2 凹模刃口结构形式的选择 22
4.1.3 凹模精度与材料的确定 22
4.2 凸模的设计 22
4.2.1 凸模结构的确定 22
4.2.2 凸模高度的确定 22
4.2.3 凸模材料的确定 23
4.2.4 凸模精度的确定 23
4.3 卸料板的设计 23
4.3.1 卸料板外型设计 23
4.3.2 卸料板材料的选择 23
4.3.3 卸料板整体精度的确定 23
4.4 固定板的设计 24
4.5 垫板的设计 24
4.6 上下模座、模柄的选用 24
4.6.1 上下模座的选用 24
4.7.2 模柄的选用 25
第五章 弯曲模具设计 26
5.1 模具类型的选择: 26
5.2 定位方式的选择 26
5.3 卸料﹑出件方式的选择 26
5.4模具主要零部件的设计 27
5.5 弯曲设备的选择 28
5.6选定设备 29
5.6绘制模具总图 29
5.7 绘制模具非标准零件图 30
设计总结 31
参考文献 32