关键词: 挤压铸造 ; 压缩机泵体前盖;充型及凝固模拟分析;动画仿真
Mold in the modern manufacturing industry, is the production of a variety of industrial products, an important process and equipment, it is in its specific shape through a certain way to make the raw material. Squeeze casting mold is a new type of die in the die, which is the product of the evolution of pressure casting.
Parts of this graduation design is the front cover of the compressor pump, compressor and pump body of compressor pump body fixing and positioning has a important role, and the role of protect the compressor internal structure of the pump body, compressor accessory products. Using squeeze casting mold for production, the production efficiency is high, the production cost is relatively low. According to the structure and shape of the parts, the design of the appropriate gating system and the number of cavity. Parts need to set core pulling mechanism, for this reason I chose the hydraulic core pulling mechanism, casting the introduction of push rod.
Based on AnyCasting software, the filling and solidification simulation analysis of gating system, workpiece and overflow groove is made to optimize the gating system and the casting structure.
Based on the UG software, each module of the mold for modeling and assembly, later using UG sequence motion simulation, die opening and closing animation and assembly exploded diagram, rationality of verification that the mould structure, shorten the liquid die forging product development time, improve the quality of the workpiece meet process requirements.
Key words:squeeze casting; compressor pump body front cover; filling and solidification simulation analysis; animation simulation.
所示为压缩机泵体前盖实体零件图,此前盖对压缩机泵体的固定与定位有着重要作用,并且起着保护压缩机泵体内部结构的作用,是压缩机的配套产品,生产量不大,其大小规格与压缩机泵体的型号相匹配,不同的产品尺寸可能有所不同。此产品材料采用ZL101[4],可热处理强化,具有自然时效能力,强度较高,塑性较好。该合金的铸造性能优良,流动性好、线收缩小,热裂倾向低、气密性高。抗拉强度 σb (MPa)≥220,屈服强度σb(MPa)≥180,伸长率≥2% 其零件结构较为复杂,其整体尺寸最大壁厚为32mm,通孔较多,需设置侧抽芯机构。

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
1.1挤压铸造及其特点 1
1.2挤压铸造的应用范围及其发展 1
1.3挤压铸造设备的发展 2
1.4课题研究的目的意义及内容 3
1.4.1课题研究的目的意义 3
1.4.2课题研究的内容 3
第二章成型方案的确定 5
2.1铸件的结构分析 5
2.2挤压铸造工艺参数的选择 6
2.2.1充型速度 6
2.2.2浇注温度 6
2.2.3模具预热温度 6
2.3分型面的选择 7
2.4 型腔的设计 8
2.5 浇注系统的选择 8
2.6排溢系统的设计 9
第三章液锻机的选择 10
3.1液锻机的分类 10
3.2最大注射量的确定 11
3.3液锻机的选择 11
3.4锁模力和压室容量的校核 13
第四章基于AnyCasting软件的数值模拟 14
4.1AnyCasting基本介绍 14
4.2三维实体建模 14
4.3前处理过程 15
4.4模拟运算过程 24
4.5后处理过程 25
4.6模拟结果分析 26
第五章模具结构设计 27
5.1成型零件设计 27
5.2 侧向抽芯机构的设计 28
5.2.1侧向抽芯机构的分类 28
5.2.3抽芯距离的确定 29
5.3推出机构的设计 29
5.3.1推出机构的分类和选择 29
5.3.2推出部位的选择 30
5.4 模架的确定 31
5.4.1 模具各部分尺寸确定 31
5.4.2 模架各尺寸校核 31
5.5 模具结构及工作原理 31
5.5.2 模具工作原理 32
第六章基于UG软件的模具动画仿真 35
6.1 开合模动画仿真 35
6.2 爆炸图及装配图动画仿真 37
第七章工程报价 39
7.1经验计算法 39
7.2 材料系数法 39
7.3 报价方案的选择 40
7.4 报价计算 40
7.4.1标准件的计算 40
7.4.2 非标准件的计算 41
7.4.3 模具总费用 41
总结 42
参考文献 43
致谢 45