摘 要
关键词:覆盖件 冲裁模 冲裁力 冲裁间隙
Reinforcing plate punching mold design three-dimensional structure
In recent years, the rapid development of the mold industry, used in the production of automobile panel has been very extensive. Use auto cover mold design and production, not only to save costs, improve labor productivity, and the quality of the technical requirements of the parts has significantly increased. In addition, large-scale use of molds, but also reduce the labor burden of workers, increase economic efficiency. Provide advantages for market competition.
This article is for automotive reinforcing plate punching mold design, the design process is to identify the difficulties hole punching, die structure, determine the mold punching program, important parts processing technology, economy, and based on the shape of the punch How to select press, punch, in addition to select the discharge mode design positioning is also very important. The design process, the preferred standard parts, can improve design efficiency and cost savings. The outstanding feature of the design is the use of single-step mode, simple structure, manufacturing cycle is short, low price, product versatility, compared with mechanization and automation to achieve operational. This design can provide a reference for similar simple stamping die design.
Keywords: cover stamping; die ;punching power; punching gap
(1)问题描述:该设计的课题是汽车加强板冲孔模具三维结构设计。是针对所给冲压件的外观形状尺寸,来设计出模具。零件图及其尺寸图如下,所用材料为DC03,(C ≤0.08 M n ≤0.45 P ≤0.030 S ≤0.025 Al≥0.015屈服强度140~240MPa 抗拉强度不低270MPa 断后伸长率不低于32。取抗拉强度350Mpa)料厚3mm,有良好的塑韧性,大批量生产。

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题的背景及意义 1
1.1.1课题背景 1
1.1.2 课题研究的意义 2
1.2 汽车覆盖件模具的发展 2
1.2.1汽车覆盖件简介 2
1.2.2 汽车覆盖件模具的发展 3
第二章 产品的结构分析及工艺方案的确定 4
2.1零件分析 4
2.1.1产品介绍 4
2.1.2该设计主要解决的问题 5
2.2工艺方案及模具总体结构的确定 6
2.3零件冲裁工艺分析 6
2.4冲裁件的尺寸精度和表面粗糙度 7
2.5冲压方向的确定 8
第三章 工艺计算及相关参数的确定 9
3.1基本尺寸计算 9
3.2冲裁间隙 11
3.2.1间隙选取原则 11
3.2.2确定最小间隙的方法: 11
3.3废料处理 12
3.3.1注意事项 12
3.3.2废料的处理 12
3.4孔凹凸模刃口尺寸计算 13
3.5压力机的选择 15
3.6模具压力中心的确定 16
附:参考标准 16
第四章 主要零部件设计及标准件的选取 17
4.1上下模板 17
4.2上垫板、凸模固定板 17
4.3凸模镶块 18
4.4压料芯 18
4.5卸料螺钉 19
4.6导向装置的选择 20
4.7弹簧的选择 21
4.8冲头的选择 22
4.9凹模套的选择 23
4.10吊耳的选择 24
4.11模柄的选择 25
4.12.内导柱,内导套的选择 25
4.13紧固件的选择 27
第五章 基于AUTOFORM的冲压件成型仿真分析 28
5.1AUTOFORM简介 28
5.1.1AUTOFORM的功能与作用 28
5.2FLD分布图 34
结束语 36
参考文献: 37
致谢 40
附明细表: 41
附模具三维图 43