摘 要
In this graduation project, my main design task is to carry out multiple injection mold design for thin-wall parts of the front and rear covers of the mobile phone through UG. As we all know, mobile phones are widely used in our daily life. In the past, most mobile phones were made of plastic shell, which was made by splicing the front and back covers. Now there are many kinds of mobile phones, but plastic shell is still widely used. Therefore, my design task this time is to design multiple injection mold for thin-wall parts of the mobile phone.
Nowadays, social economy develops rapidly, modern industry also is developing ceaselessly, plastic product is more and more extensive, we cannot leave plastic product. Therefore, the social demand for mold designers is increasing, UG software application is also very important, therefore, we must learn it, learn it.
Key words: UG; Front and rear cover; Injection mold;

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1国内外模具研究现状 1
第二章 手机前后盖模具的前期设计 2
2.1塑件产品分析 2
2.1.1塑件材料分析 2
2.1.2塑件结构分析 2
2.2模具设计分析 3
2.2.1分型面的确定 3
2.2.2型腔数量的确定和排列方式 3
2.3注塑机型号的确定 3
2.3.1注射量的确定 3
2.3.2注塑机型号的选择 3
2.3.3型腔数量及注射机有关工艺参数的校核 5
第三章 型芯型腔的设计计算 7
3.1型芯尺寸计算 7
3.1.1前盖的型芯尺寸计算 7
3.1.2后盖的型芯尺寸计算 7
3.2型腔尺寸计算 8
3.2.1前盖的型腔尺寸计算 8
3.2.2后盖的型腔尺寸计算 9
第四章 型芯型腔的设计步骤 10
4.1项目初始化 10
4.2模具坐标系 10
4.3设置收缩率 11
4.4设置工件 12
4.5多腔模的设置 13
4.6手机前盖分型前的设置 13
4.7布局 14
4.8分型手机后盖 15
第五章 模架设计的计算 28
5.1模架的选择 28
5.2标准件的选择 28
5.3冷却水路的计算 28
第六章 模架的设计步骤 29
6.1添加模架 29
6.2添加标准件 29
6.3顶杆后处理 33
6.4设计填充 33
6.5添加冷却管道 34
6.6建立腔体 37
第七章 运动分析 38
7.1创建连杆 38
7.2创建运动副 39
7.3运动仿真 42
第八章 设计总结 43
8.1设计成果 43
结束语 49
致谢 50
参考文献 51