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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK718203 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK718203
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The design of the design objects to row back cover mould, the early stage of the reference for the design object has carried on the relevant measurement, data record, etc.; Medium mainly using UG 3 d design software, according to the measured data of early for 3 d modeling, and then selects the suitable injection molding machine and mold size and processing parameters on the injection molding machine parameters to a series of check, and on the basis of the plastic model using UG mold cavity within the 3 d design software module corresponding to strip back cover mould design of injection moulds, including selected parting surface, determine the core and cavity structure, selection of standard mould base, shape and structure parts standard parts and modification to be obtained, and the pouring system, the design of the cooling water circuit, demoulding mechanism, etc., and the final mold, using the UG, three-dimensional structure; Before late is made based on the results of the use of AutoCAD software to map the corresponding two-dimensional figure, also is the engineering drawing, more clearly shows that the structure of plastic parts and mould.
Key words: injection molding; Mold design; UG


目  录
摘要    II
Abstract    III
第一章 绪论    7
1.1塑料注射成型过程概述    7
1.2本文研究的目的和意义    7
第二章  塑件的工艺性分析和设计    9
2.1塑件分析    9
2.2 塑件材料的确定    9
2.3 材料各项的性能    9
2.3.1 主要特性    10
2.3.2 技术指标    10
2.3.3 制件壁厚    11
2.3.4 精度    11
2.3.5工艺参数    11
2.4塑件的体积计算和型腔的分布    11
2.4.1 体积    11
2.4.2质量    12
2.4.3型腔布局    12
2.5 脱模斜度    13
第三章  注塑机的选择及工艺参数校核    14
3.1 注塑设备的选择和主要参数的确定    14
3.1.1注塑机的选择    14
3.1.2注塑机的的详细参数    14
3.2注塑机重要参数的校核    15
3.2.1最大注射量的校核    15
3.2.2注射压力    15
3.2.3锁模力的校核    16
3.2.4校核天线盖开模的行程    16
3.3 选择天线盖标准的模架    16
第四章 Moldflow数值模拟分析    17
4.1注塑成型模拟分析理论基础    17
4.1.1有限元在moldflow中的应用    17
4.1.2有限元分析基础    19
4.2网格的划分    19
4.3材料的选择    20
4.4工艺的设置    20
4.5结果分析    20
4.5.1填充时间    21
4.5.2锁模力分析    22
4.5.3熔接痕分布情况    23
4.5.4冷却分析结果    24
4.5.5翘曲变形结果    25
第五章  天线盖模具结构的设计    26
5.1分型面设计    26
5.2 浇注系统的设计    26
5.2.1主流道设计    26
5.2.2浇口套设计    27
5.2.3浇口套的固定形式    27
5.2.4分流道的设计    27
5.2.5浇口的尺寸    28
5.2.6 冷料穴    29
5.3设计模具成型零部件    29
5.3.1型腔的结构设计    29
5.3.2型芯的设计    30
5.4成型零部件工作尺寸    30
5.5脱模机构的设计    31
5.5.1顶杆顶出机构    31
5.5.2脱模力的计算    33
5.6冷却系统的设计    33
5.7 排气系统的设计    35
第六章模具零部件材料选择    36
6.1模具的选材及热处理要求    36
6.2模具的装配图    36
总结    38
致谢    39
参考文献    40
