关键词 电动剃须刀盒盖 模具设计 ABS塑料
Title Research on thermal stress, deformation, and fatigue lifetime of the rapid heating cycle injection mold
Rapid heating cycle molding (RHCM) is a novel plastic injection molding process. It can be used effectively to prevent many defects of products produced in conventional injection molding process. In this paper, the panel of large-size liquid crystal display TV was taken as an example. Thermal, deformation, and fatigue analysis models for RHCM injection mold were established. Firstly, by analyzing the heat transfer process of the RHCM mold, the temperature distributions on the mold cavity surface were studied. Secondly, through numerical simulation, the tendency of the stress and deformation of the RHCM mold was obtained. It showed that the fixing mode between the stationary mold insert and the stationary mold plate had a great influence on the thermal stress and deformation of the mold. As a result, a new fixing mode for the stationary mold insert was proposed which could effectively decrease the deformation caused by the temperature changing. Lastly, the lifetime of the mold under different fixing modes was evaluated, and reasonable suggestions which could improve the lifetime of RHCM mold were also proposed. Application in engineering proved that it was a very effective way to improve the lifetime of RHCM mold by using the suggested fixing mode.
Keyword Rapid heating cycle molding .Numerical simulation . Heat transfer . Thermal fatigue

目 录
前 言 1
第一章 塑料产品介绍及其工艺特点 4
1.1产品结构工艺性分析 4
1.1.1塑料的分析 5
1.1.2 塑件的工艺分析 6
1.2 塑件产品图的测绘 6
第二章 注射成型方案分析 8
2.1分型面及其选择 8
2.1.1塑料制件在模具中的位置 8
2.2浇注系统分析 9
第三章 模具的结构设计 10
3.1模架的选择 10
3.2 塑件的成型设备选用 11
3.2.1分型面投影面积的计算 11
3.2.2塑件及浇注系统的体积的计算 11
3.2.3注塑机的选择 12
3.3成型零部件设计 13
3.3.1成型零部件的结构设计 13
3.3.2成型零部件的工作尺寸计算 13
3.4浇注系统的设计 23
3.4.1主流道的设计 23
3.4.2浇口的设计 25
3.5推出机构的设计 26
3.5.1推出力的计算 26
3.5.2推出机构的选择 27
3.6复位机构的设计 27
3.7冷却系统的设计 27
第四章 注塑机的选择与校核 28
4.1注塑量的校核 28
4.2注塑机锁模力的校核 28
4.3最大注射压力的校核 28
4.4开模行程及装模高度的校核 28
第五章 模具的工作原理和模具结构特点 29
5.1模具工作原理 29
5.2模具结构特点 30
结论 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33