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摘 要
Battery cover mold design
Mold is a very important industrial design and production of the indispensable foundation of process equipment, including mold plastic mold is the most widely used of all kind. Plastic mold structure, quality and performance plastic products and so affect the quality and cost. With the improvement of plastic mold standardization and the use of standard parts, making the production cycle shrinking, costs are coming down.
The main topic of the battery cover design a reasonable mold structure. Including gating system design, molding parts design, mold release mechanism design, the temperature adjustment mechanism design and so on. CAD drawing and graphics based on the calculation analysis
Key words: Battery cover ;Injection mold ;Casting system

目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
1 绪 论 1
2塑件成型工艺分析 2
2.1塑件工艺分析 2
2.2塑件结构尺寸及其表面质量分析 3
3.拟定模具结构形式 4
3.1分型面位置确定 4
3.2型腔数和排列方式的确定 4
4.注塑机型号的确定 5
4.1 注塑量计算 5
4.2塑件浇注时锁模力的计算 5
4.3 注塑机初选 5
4.4校核注塑机相关参数 6
5.浇注系统的设计 7
5.1主流道的设计 7
5.2分流道设计 7
5.3浇口设计 8
5.4排气系统设计 8
6.成型零件的设计 9
6.1模具型腔结构设计 9
6.2模具型芯结构设计 10
7.脱模机构设计 11
7.1脱模机构的分类结构设计原则 11
7.2 脱模力的计算 11
7.3 推出方式确定 12
8.模架的确定与标准件的选用 13
8.1 模具标准化的意义 13
8.2 确定模架的结构 13
9 温度调节系统设计 14
9.1 温度调节系统的意义 14
9.2 冷却水体积流量 14
9.3冷凝管道直径大小与结构确定 15
参考文献 16