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Top stamping technology and die design
摘 要
This design for the car seat fittings of punching die design, the design scheme is proposed to four stamping process to complete, respectively is a deep drawing die, compound die blanking punching and flanging composite die and bending die hole. After detailed two mold design of stamping process and the flanging hole compound die and bending die design.
First of all, the process analysis was carried out on the top part, understand the material mechanical properties, and determined the stamping process plan. Do die design process, first adopted a stamping equipment, determine the bending force and calculate the dimensions of bending die work, adopt the method of u-shaped bending. As the key frame selection and mold structure calculation of main components.
Key words: car seat; Connection; Flanging die, bending die.

目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 冲压加工的作用和地位 1
1.2 冲压工艺及模具制造的国内外发展水平综述 2
1.3 研究设计的目的和任务 4
第2章 分析零件的工艺性 5
第3章 确定工艺方案 7
3.1 确定工艺方案 7
3.2 工序安排 7
第4章 冲压力的计算 10
第5章弯曲模具结构设计 12
5.1 凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算 12
5.2 设计凸模、凹模的圆角 13
5.3 凸模、凹模的结构设计 13
5.4 模具类型的选择: 15
5.5 定位方式的选择 16
5.6 卸料﹑出件方式的选择 16
5.7模具其他零部件的设计 17
5.8 弯曲设备的选择 19
5.9 选定设备 20
5.10 模柄的选择 20
5.11 绘制模具总图 21
5.12 绘制模具非标准零件图 22
设计总结 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25