来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK713506 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK713506
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摘 要
At present, the mold industry has developed rapidly, especially the injection mold. With the development of the injection molding technology, hot runner technology is also widely used. This paper introduces the composition, types of injection mold and the content of the design program, etc, and some key problems in mold design and manufacturing to elaborate. Introduced injection mold manufacturing and new injection molding technology to the new requirement of the mould manufacturing, and the injection molding technology development present situation has carried on the comprehensive review.
This paper discusses the plastic flower POTS injection mold design process. Introduced the injection mold molding process and injection mold structure and working principle. Through analyzing the structure and craft flowerpot, determine the parting surface, the gate structure, the ejection mechanism, choose the injection machine, to calculate the size of molding parts. Hot runner gating system is mainly introduced in the application of more than a mold cavity. Through this design, especially the hot runner of injection moulds can be a preliminary understanding of injection mould.
Key words:Hot runner; point gate; mold design; Injection mould

目 录
第一章 前言 1
1.1模具工业技术在国内经济中的影响 1
1.2注塑模具在国内的发展概括 1
1.3热流道注射模的发展状况 2
第二章 塑件的工艺分析 2
2.1塑件及塑件材料的特点 3
2.2热流道塑料花盆的三维图 4
2.3塑件的表面粗糙度 4
2.4塑件的质量与体积 5
2.5塑件尺寸的精度分析 5
第三章 塑件成型工艺分析及方案批订 6
3.1模具基本结构的布置 6
3.1.1成型方法的确定 6
3.1.2型腔位置的确定 6
3.1.3分型面的确定 7
3.1.4浇注系统的选择 8
3.1.5模具排气槽的设计 8
3.1.6模具冷却系统的设计 9
第四章 注射机与热流道的选择 10
4.1注塑机的基本参数 10
4.2选择注塑机 10
4.3 方案的选择 11
4.4热流道尺寸的计算 11
4.5 热流道板加热形式选择 13
4.6热流道分浇口的设计 13
第五章 成型零件的设计 14
5.1凹模工作尺寸的计算 15
5.2凸模工作尺寸的计算 16
5.3中心距尺寸的计算 18
5.4型腔壁厚和底板厚度计算 18
5.5 成型零件的外形尺寸设计 19
5.6导向与定位机构 20
5.7推出机构的设计 21
5.8 脱模力的计算 21
5.9排气设计原则 22
第六章 注射机的校核 22
6.1 注射机的有关参数的校核 错误!未定义书签。
6.2 注塑量的校核 23
6.3 注射压力的校核 23
6.4 锁模力的校核 23
6.5安装部分相关尺寸的校核 24
6.6 模具厚度校核 24
6.7 模具安装尺寸校核 25
6.8 开模行程校核 25
第七章 安装与调试 26
7.1模具的安装试模 26
7.1.1 试模前的准备 26
7.1.2 模具的安装及调试 26
7.1.3 试模 27
7.1.4 检验 28
第八章 模具总装图 29
8.1 模具总装图 29
结 论 31
致 谢 33
参考文献 34