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Drawing die for lower end cap
摘 要
Process analysis of the design for the drawing of the composite film of the lower end cap and the typical working parts. The full text of the design ideas as a main line through the front and back, the design idea is to obtain the necessary information to hedge the parts of a multi-faceted understanding and analysis. However, the most important is the full analysis of the process. After the above work, the design of the most core and the most important step is to make the necessary process of parts. Also determine the main working parts of the mold structure type, related dimensions. When the whole design of the general, and then the other components of the mold to complete the design, so as to complete the entire mold. Comprehensive analysis and calculation of the above. After the overall design, select the stamping equipment, draw the mold assembly drawing and the non-standard parts. The whole design idea is to connect a line.
Keywords:punching; shaving; compound-die; Analysis of craft; die

目 录
前 言 1
2 冲压成形工艺分析 2
2.1 冲裁零件图 2
2.2冲裁零件的工艺性分析 2
2.3修正零件 3
3 冲压工艺方案制定 4
3.1 工序数量的确定 4
3.2工艺方案比较 4
4 模具结构选择 5
4.1确定冲模类型及结构形式 5
5.确定毛坯尺寸排样方式及材料利用率 6
5.1毛坯尺寸确定 6
5.2排样方式 6
5.3搭边、料宽及材料利用率的确定 7
6 工序计算以及压力机预选 9
6.1 冲裁工序的计算 9
6.2 拉深工序的计算 9
6.3 切边工序力的计算 11
6.4 压力机的初选 11
6.5 冲压工艺卡片 12
7 计算模具主要工作部分刃口尺寸 14
7.1刃口尺寸计算原则 14
7.2 落料凸凹刃口尺寸计算 14
7.3 拉深凸模和凹模尺寸计算 15
7.4 切边凸凹模刃口尺寸计算 16
8 模具主要零部件结构尺寸计算 17
8.1 工作部件结构尺寸设计 17
8.2 结构零件尺寸设计 22
8.3其他零部件的说明 22
9 压力机的校核 24
9.1闭合高度的校核 24
9.2 压力机功率校核 24
9.3 滑块行程校核 25
9.4. 工作台面尺寸的校核 25
10 模具的配合公差和材料选用 27
10.1模具零件表面粗糙度及加工配合精度 27
10.2模具材料的选择 27
11.落料拉深复合模总装配图 29
总 结 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32