The fixed plate punching Blanking Compound Die Design
摘 要
关键词: 冷冲压; 模具; 冲裁件
Technology standardization technology in the development of science and technology of China, stamping die manufacturing technology, metal and non metal plastic processing and mold is a kind of essential equipment. Early in the twentieth century, the United States, Japan and other industrialized countries, a collection of personnel and funds to develop cold stamping technology, will die as a unified industry to develop, and achieved remarkable results. After years of cultivation, in the mold, the mold life, efficiency, machining precision and production cycle, form the new theory and methods, and further achieve rapid manufacturing mold, opened up a new space, and lay a solid foundation.
Although China of manufacturing technology started relatively late, but in the past decade, relatively made great progress, die manufacturing technology is large quantities of production, in developed countries the manufacturing theory, take the essence to the dregs, their theoretical synthesis, formation method of their own, unique, though not mature, but the initial scale, is also widely used, for example, in automobiles, household appliances, electronic products, aerospace activities and daily activities can be seen everywhere in the cold stamping products.
Stamping technology in our country, although there have been greatly improved, but with the developed countries than dwarfs, and they compared still a certain gap, mainly in stamping theoretical basis and forming process of backward, the low degree of standardization of the mold; mold design method and process equipment backward, low level of specialization of mold and the mold in the life, efficiency, machining precision and production cycle and developed countries compared to the mold gap is relatively large; so in order to change the passive status should be as soon as possible to adapt to socialist industrialization construction hedge pressure to improve the level of production demand, should be generous to do based on the mould and die on the R & D and push And it is very important.
Determine the orientation and characteristic of each mold our design of die stamping compound die, mold design, mainly divided into the following steps: first, through literature and books related information, to understand the mold basic structure, what are the important components. Second, to processing the workpiece craft analysis, analysis of the workpiece processing requirements, determine the corresponding process scheme. Third, to mold the overall structure design, respectively, to determine the type of mold, mold unloading, the bow and arrow and location selection. To calculate mold a series of parameters, including blanking, bending force, and to determine the press models. Is as important parts of the mold design, the main components of the design, including punching concave die and bending concave convex mold, mold, positioning block and discharging rod design. Six, is a mold assembly, according to the design of mold parts assembly, through the CAD drawing the assembly drawing, to complete the whole design.
Keywords: cold stamping; mold; stamping parts

目 录
摘 要 0
绪论 1
1、冲压的概念、特点及应用 1
2、冲压的基本工序及模具 2
模具设计过程 3
一、零件工艺分析 3
1.材料分析 3
2.结构分析 4
3.精度分析 4
二、制定工艺方案 5
1.冲裁工艺方案的确定 5
三、模具总体结构方案的确定 6
1.模具类型 6
2.操作与定位 6
3.卸料与出件方式 6
4.模架类型及精度 6
四、冲裁工艺计算 7
1.排样设计 7
2.确定冲裁模合理间隙值 8
3. 凸、凹模刀口尺寸的确定 8
4.冲裁工艺力的确定 13
五、冲裁模的零件选用和各零件的设计 19
1.凸模的结构设计 19
2.定位零件 23
3.卸料及出件零件 24
4.固定与紧固零件 27
5.导向零件 28
模具的总装 29
1.冲压模具制造技术要求 29
2、模具的结构及总装 29
总结 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34