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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK713450 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK713450
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关键词:   热流道; 注射模; 花盆; 模具设计;

In recent years, the rapid development of mold industry in china ,especially in the plastic injection molding products ,with the development of mold manufacturing ,hot runner technology has also been very wide range of applications ,It has a wide source of raw materials ,relatively low prices ,excellent performance characteristics ,It has a very important role in the manufacture of computers ,automotive electrical ,household products , injection is the primary means of forming thermoplastic,therefore its widely used.
Method of injection molding is the plastic material into the melted barrel, with a plunger or screw as a heating tool to melt at high pressure through the muzzle into the mold cavity after cooling and sdification stages of heating , Out from the mold ,a plastic products we want.
My praduaction design topic is a pot of injection mold ,plastic flower pot has the advantages of light weight rich color patterns ,aging resistance high strength convenient manufacture and low price ,Is the ideal substitute of clay pots ,pots is the inevitable direction of development.
The design process of the injection mould for the plastic flower pots are discussed in the paper ,the flower pot injection molding process and injection mold structure and working principle of determine the type face ,gate structure ejection mechanism .choice of injection molding machine ,design the part size . Because the product for mass production .So the mold have a high injection efficiency to ensure investment ,Because the plastic process performance requirements of injection mold cooling system must be have ,In my design also have design.

Key words:   Hot runner; Injection mold; Flowerpot; Mold design;      


目 录
第一章 塑料花盆塑件的工艺分析    3
1.1塑件成形工艺分析    3
1.2模具结构的分析    4
1.3塑件体积和质量计算    4
第二章 塑件成形工艺参数确定    5
第三章   注射模结构设计    6
3.1确定成形方法    6
3.2型腔数目和排列形式    6
3.3分型面的设计    7
3.3.1分型面设计    7
3.3.2排气槽设计    7
3.4浇注系统设计    7
3.4.1主流道设计    8
3.4.2分流道设计    9
3.4.3浇口设计    11
3.5脱模机构设计    13
3.6导向机构的设计    13
3.7选择模架    14
3.7.1模架设计    14
3.7.2模架周界尺寸选择    15
3.7.3塑料注射模具技术要求    15
第四章    成形设备的选择    16
4.1注塑机的选择    16
4.1.1一次性注入的塑料的体积    16
4.2工艺参数的校核    16
4.2.1最大注射量校核    16
4.2.2锁模力校核    17
4.2.3模具与注塑机安装部分相关尺寸校核    17
4.2.4模具闭合高度校核    17
4.2.5开模行程校核    18
第五章   结构尺寸计算    19
5.1型腔尺寸计算    19
5.1.1型腔径向尺寸计算    19
5.1.2 型腔深度尺寸计算    20
5.2型芯的尺寸计算    20
5.2.1型芯径向尺寸计算    20
5.2.2型芯高度尺寸计算    21
5.3模具冷却、加热系统计算    21
5.3.1模具冷却    21
5.3.2模具加热    24
第六章   模具工作原理及装配、试模    25
6.1 模具的工作原理    25
6.2模具的安装试模    26
6.2.1试模前的准备    26
6.2.2模具的安装及调试    27
6.3.3试模    27
6.2.4修模    27
6.2.5检验    28
结 束 语    29
致  谢    31
参考文献    32
