摘 要
With the economic development and people's living standards improve, on a number of small items like a small button has unique requirements, should not only has the advantages of convenient use and appearance requirements are very high. So the requirement of plastic mold is also very high and and higher.
With the development of modern industry, the mold is one of the important technological equipment, it has been widely used in industrial and agricultural production and daily life.Home appliances and communication products such as most of the parts of the mold processing. Plastic mold design is the mold of the main part, improve the popularity of the plastic mold design and manufacturing level, plastics processing industry, essential for the development of an important condition. Level of mold production technical level has become the measure of a national product manufacture level of an important symbol of. This time, by the end cover injection mold design can enable me to cast the mold to have more profound understanding and mastery of the relevant software, but also exercise the integrated use of my knowledge to solve practical problems.
For plastic mould, at present market of 99 percent of shell products are made of plastic, because it doesn't have to bear great load, plastic and insulation. Plastic color changeable, meet people's different preferences.
This design is the electrical cover injection mold design and analysis shows that the parts of the shape is relatively small, so the use of gating system for side gate pattern and a mold two cavity, a single type of injection into the design modes of the structure. The design of the specific operation are as follows: first, the design of the plastic parts to carry out a series of analysis. The dimension analysis and material analysis of the structure of the plastic parts are included. Then is the design of the plastic parts of the design of a reasonable solution. It includes the determination of the parting surface, the determination of the number of cavities and the design of the gating system and the ejection system.
For the design of the mold, we must first select a machine that meets the requirements of the design of the injection molding machine. Then the casting system of the plastic part is designed. Then the structure design of the forming parts and the calculation of the working dimensions are followed. Optimization of exhaust system and cooling system. Finally, the requirements and process for the entire mold assembly, and the use of CAD software to draw the design of the mold assembly drawing and parts drawing. The design specification is summarized.
Keywords: injection mold side gate; CAD.

目 录
第1章.绪论 1
第2章 塑料制件的分析 2
2.1 成型塑料件的工艺性分析 2
2.2 成型塑件的材料分析 3
第3章 注塑设备的选择 4
3.1估算塑件体积质量 4
3.2 注塑机的选择 4
第4章 成型零件设计和计算 6
4.1凸模的结构设计 6
4.2凹模的结构设计 7
4.3 型芯型腔尺寸计算 8
4.3.1型腔凹模尺寸的计算 10
4.3.2型芯凸模尺寸的计算 12
第5章 浇注系统的设计 14
5.1 分型面的选取 14
5.2模具型腔排列方式 16
5.3浇口套的选用 17
5.4冷料井的设计 19
5.5分流道的设计 20
5.7浇口设计 22
第6章 合模导向机构的设计 23
6.1导柱的设计 23
6.2 导套的设计 25
第7章 脱模结构的设计 26
7.1 脱模力的计算 26
7.2推出结构的设计 27
第8章 侧向分型和抽芯机构的设计 29
8.1抽拔距的计算 29
8.2斜导柱的尺寸与安装形式 29
8.3 锁紧楔形式 31
8.4 斜导柱的受力分析及强度计算 31
第9章 排气系统和冷却系统的设计 32
9.1排气系统 32
9.2冷却系统的设计 32
第10章 绘制装配图 34
第11章 注射机的校核 36
11.1 注射量的校核 36
11.2 锁模力的校核 36
11.3 模具高度校核 37
11.4 模具开模行程校核 37
参考文献 39
致谢 40