摘 要
压铸模具是铸造液态模锻的一种方法, 一种在专用的压铸模锻机上完成的工艺。它的基本工艺过程是:金属液先低速或高速铸造充型进模具的型腔内,模具有活动的型腔面,它随着金属液的冷却过程加压锻造,既消除毛坯的缩孔缩松缺陷,也使毛坯的内部组织达到锻态的破碎晶粒。毛坯的综合机械性能得到显著的提高。
The environment of global economic development, China industries affected by other countries advanced technology at the same time, foreign enterprises and brand spread to more and more Chinese has become an opportunity. Cap pressing machine in industry through a variety of ways have been working with the relevant technology, and constantly improve their own strength and core competitiveness, and narrow the gap with developed countries.
In the new market demand, update the sleeve pressing machine is a pressing matter of the moment. The production of pipe pressing machine equipment manufacturing enterprises to fully tap the potential of the market, vigorously develop the sleeves of large low cost pressing special machinery and equipment, plays a positive role in the evolution of automatic assembly, the assembly of mechanical equipment. There is a large pipe equipment on equipment safety index has strict requirements of production. In the production equipment of enterprises, give full consideration to the possible problems in the operation of the equipment, so as to reduce the noise pollution caused by vibration or improper operation of equipment phenomenon and manufacturing of domestic pipe pressing equipment with global appeal, economic, security and stability of the theme consistent. Increase and production pipe pressing equipment of new energy saving.
Key word: pneumatic manipulator; cylinder; pneumatic loop; Fout degrees of freedom.

目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 3
1.1 模具介绍 4
1.2 模具在加工工业中的地位 4
1.3 模具的发展趋势 4
1.4 本课题的意义 4
1.5 我国模具行业的发展方向和前景 4
第二章 铝合金箱体压铸模具结构的设计 11
2.1 材料的选择 13
2.2 压铸件结构的设计 15
2.2.1 脱模斜度 15
2.2.2 产品斜度 15
2.2.3 产品壁厚 15
2.2.4 加强筋 15
2.2.5 圆角 15
2.2.6 压铸件的精度 15
2.3 分型面的确定 15
2.4 压铸机的初步选择 15
2.4.1 压铸机锁模力的确定 15
2.4.2 核定投影面积 15
2.4.3 实际容量的核算 15
2.4.4 选择压铸机 15
第三章 模具设计 17
3.1 确定型腔数目及排列方式 19
3.2 浇注系统的设计 20
3.3 内浇口的设计 22
3.4 直浇道的设计 22
3.5 横浇道的设计 23
第四章 成型零部件的设计 23
第五章 脱模机构的设计 23
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26