摘 要
关键词:模具 工艺计算 精密 冲压模具
The design stamping die design damping
With development of all kind of science technology and global economy, Pneumatic manipulator is a automated devices that can mimic the human hand and arm movements to do something,aslo can according to a fixed procedure to moving objects or control tools. It can replace the heavy labor in order to achieve the production mechanization and automation, and can work in dangerous working environments to protect the personal safety.Therefore widely used in machine building, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy sectors.The pneumatic part of the design is primarily to choose the right valves and design a First of all, the mathematical model of the double inverted pendulum is established, then make a control design to double inverted pendulum on the mathematical model, and determine the system performance index weightmatrix , by using genetic algorithm in order to attain the system state feedback control matrix. Finally, the simulation of the system is made by . After several test matrix value the results are not satisfactory response, then we optimize matrix by using Genetic Algorithm. Simulation results show.
The system response can meet the design requirements effectively after Genetic Algorithm optimization. Small twisted paper broken machine for ordinary home, not only can be used for minced meat, can also be used with crushed peanuts, crushed ice, spices and otherfood, small power requirements, powered by the motor drive, reasonable structure design.
Key Words:Mold ;Cylinder ;Pneumatic loop ;Fout degrees of freedom
2 零件的工艺分析拟定
2.1 冲裁件的工艺性分析
(2)工件结构 该零件形状较为复杂。孔边距远大于凸、凹模允许的最小壁厚,故可以考虑采用复合冲压工序。
(3)尺寸精度 零件图上尺寸未标注公差,属自由公差,按IT14级确定工件的公差,一般冲压均能满足其尺寸精度要求。

目 录
绪论 1
1. 模具工业简介 1
1.1模具分类 1
1.2冲压模具简介 2
1.3我国冲压模具发展现状和趋势 4
2. 零件的工艺分析拟定 6
2.1冲裁件的工艺性分析 7
2.2确定冲压工艺方案 7
2.3选择模具结构形式 7
2.3.1 模具的形式 8
2.3.2 定位装置 8
2.3.3卸料装置 8
2.3.4.导向零件 9
2.3.5.模架 9
3. 必要的工艺计算 10
3.1排样设计与计算 11
3.2计算冲压力 11
3.3计算模具压力中心 12
3.4计算模具刃口尺寸 13
4. 监控器吊支架冲压模具主要零件的设计计算 14
4.1落料凹模 16
4.2冲孔凸模长度及强度校核 17
4.3凸凹模长度确定及壁厚校核 19
4.4凸凹模固定板尺寸 22
4.5垫板结构与设计 23
4.6卸料板的设计 24
4.7模座的选择 25
5. 压力机校核 26
5.1模柄孔的校核 27
5.2模具闭合高度的校核 28
5.3压力机工作台尺寸的校核 28
5.4冲裁力校核 28
6.绘制模具总装配图 29
7.模具的装配 29
结论 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32