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The mould industry is the foundation of the modernization industry, and stamping  die plays a very important part in die industry. In recent years, each industry that related with mechanics is all paying more and more attention to the design and application of mould. That is not only because mould has already been developed into one ripe generality technology, but also because mould plays a more and more important role in modernization industry. 
In the graduation project, the structure of clip board is introduced at first. The technological characteristics of the clip board is analyzed. The die of the clip board is designed according to its structural characteristics. The layout design of the progressive die for forming the part and the designs of the work positions, general structure of the die, the punch and matrix of the progressive die, retaining plate, the structure of the block lifting device, the structure of the stripping plate, and the technical requirements for the material and heat treatment of each component are mainly stated. In addition, the design of the single-operation die for bending is introduced. The die structure is simple, the processing quality of the die is good and the productivity is high.
During the design, unavoidable I met some difficulties in the design, but I have conquered them with my assiduity. It’s my first time to practice of the 
design of mold, so I believe that it will be great helpful for my job in the future.
Keyword:stamping  die,clip board ,the progressive die

1.    模具的适应性强
2.    模具的生产效率高,节约原材料
3.    模具生产的零件制品互换性好
4.    操作工艺简单
5.    模具社会效益好

卡板冲压工艺及模具设计(含CAD零件图装配图) 卡板冲压工艺及模具设计(含CAD零件图装配图)

前  言    1
1  绪论    3
1.1 我国冲压模具业发展现状    3
1.2我国冲压模具制造技术发展趋势    4
2零件工艺分析及确定工艺方案和模具结构类型    7
2.1 产品零件图    7
2.2 工艺分析    9
2.2.1 工艺审核    9
2.2.2工件工艺分析    10
2.3 工艺方案及模具结构类型    11
2.3.1.冷冲模类型与结构    11
2.3.2 冲裁模冲裁工艺过程(即冲裁原理)    13
2.3.3 零件方案确定    14
3 连续模    15
3.1 半成品零件图    15
3.2连续模的工作原理    16
3.3工件工艺分析    17
3.4工艺方案及模具结构类型    17
3.5排样设计    18
3.5.1排样的设计    18
3.5.2最小工艺搭边值的选择    19
3.5.3. 送料步距的计算    19
3.5.4. 条料宽度的计算    20
3.6 确定条料利用率    21
3.7 裁板方式    22
3.8计算冲裁力    22
3.8.1.冲裁力的计算    22
3.8.2卸料力、推件力、顶件力的计算    23
3.9模压力中心的确定    25
4  连续模零、部件结构设计    29
4.1  凸、凹模结构设计    29
4.1.1  凸模    29
4.1.2  凹模    32
4.1.3凸、凹模工作尺寸计算    34
4.2定位形式与结构设计    39
4.2.1设计原则    39
4.2.2定位零件机构与应用    40
4.3卸料结构设计    42
4.4连续模导向、安装和有关零、部件    43
4.4.1导向    43
4.4.2结构件与安装    43
4.4.3紧固件选用    45
4.4.4模具自制零件的材料及热处理要求     46
5  压力机的选用与校核    47
6  弯曲模设计计算    49
6.1弯曲的基本原理    49
6.1.1 弯曲工艺的概念及弯曲件    49
6.1.2弯曲的基本原理:    49
6.3弯曲件的工艺性    52
6.4弯曲力的计算    53
6.4.1  弯曲力的计算    53
6.4.2弯曲用压力机的额定压力的确定    54
6.5弯曲件的回弹    54
6.6弯曲模工作部分尺寸的确定    55
6.6.1凸、凹模圆角半径    55
6.6.2凹模深度    56
6.6.3凸、凹模间隙    56
6.6.4凸、凹模工作部分尺寸与公差    56
6.7弯曲模零件总体尺寸的确定    56
6.7.1凸、凹模尺寸    56
6.7.2上、下模座尺寸    57
6.7.3反顶板尺寸    57
6.7.4定位板尺寸    57
6.7.5紧固件选用    57
6.7.5模具自制零件的材料及热处理要求    58
7  模具装配    58
总  结    60
参考文献    61
致  谢    62
