摘 要
Die welding sheet forming process and die design
The topic for the solder-chip design stamping die design, stamping parts reflects the design requirements, content and direction of the design of a certain significance. Parts of the mold through the design, designers have further strengthened the basis for stamping die design knowledge, for the design of more complex stamping die to do a good job of paving the way and draw a more profound experience.
The design of the use of stamping process and die design of the basic knowledge, the first analysis of the size of stamping parts and performance requirements, in order to select the form of die structure ready; and then ranked to determine the kind of way; determine the mold design parameters, design features and the introduction of device selection; calculated in accordance with the red in front of select pressure punching machine.
The shape of the parts is simple, symmetrical. Is formed by the arc and a straight line, and blanking pieces can form within the economic reach an accuracy of IT12 ~ IT13. Center hole size and edge distance tolerance for ± 0.5. The above parts precision and accuracy requirements in order to per pound, you can request for the accuracy of parts in the stamping process can be assured that other dimension, such as production volume, but also are in line with the blanking of the technological requirements, it decided to adopt punching means for processing the parts of the fillet radius R = 0.6 ≥ 0.18t = 0.18 × 0.7 = 0.175 to meet the requirements.
Keywords: stamping die, the introduction of devices, the production of bulk

目 录
1.引言 2
1.1 模具行业的发展现状及市场前景 2
1.2 冲压工艺介绍 2
1.3 冲压工艺的种类 3
1.4 冲压行业阻力和障碍与突破 4
2.焊片的模具设计 7
2.1焊片设计任务书 7
2.2 冲压件工艺性分析 8
2.3 确定工艺方案 8
2.4 排样设计 9
2.5 冲裁力的计算 10
2.6压力中心的计算 11
2.7 工作零件刃口尺寸计算 13
2.8模具总体设计 14
2.9模具主要零部件的结构设计 15
2.10橡胶选用原则 18
2.11联接件的选用与标准化 19
2.12 冲床选用 20
2.13 模具装配图: 21
3.模具零件加工工艺 22
总结语 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26