摘 要
关键词:重要设备 运输效率 严重威胁 直接隐患 应用环境
Lifting machine apply important apparatus of industrial and mining enterprises to extensively, it utilize 6 steel wire rope carry 2 dustpan fight upper and lower reciprocating motion go on, work. In the moisture more mines of some nature of coal of our country, still can't accomplish complete unloading while fighting with dustpan, the dustpan can't be unloaded clean because of the seizing of coal while fighting. This reduce transportation efficiency on one hand, can cause, also overload seriously load, next time on the other hand. Mine actual production scene of lifting machine, because manual operation or unload netly or repeat a certain reason loading or others lead to the fact the dustpan to fight and overload often, no matter which kind of reason lead to the fact dustpan fight, overload, lifting machine serious threat of security all. This design carries on on the basis of this.
It can be used in all kinds of mine lifting machines. Use the device can prevent from lifting machine whom dustpan fight overload and unload incompletely seriously in the course of transporting effectively, have dispelled the direct hidden danger of the accident of the lifting machine, thus improved the dependability of the lifting machine greatly, reduce the accident, prevent casualties, and improve the transportation efficiency of the lifting machine greatly.
Keyword: Important apparatus Transportation efficiency Threaten seriously Direct hidden danger Employ the ring

目录 12000字
目录 II
摘 要 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 本文主要内容 1
第2章 总体方案设计 2
2.1总体方案设计 2
第三章 传感器设计 3
3.1 传感器设计 3
第四章 传感器安装设计 11
4.1 设计方案 11
4.2 油缸设计 11
4.3 板件设计 17
4.4 支承块设计 23
4.5 叉件设计 26
4.6 销轴设计 28
4.7 调整垫块 40
结束语 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43